Waitress sees sixth-grade boys enter the restaurant, is amazed at their manners and tidiness

Nicole Marie was in the middle of a long shift when a bunch of middle school boys sat at a table and waited to be served. She was astounded at how well behaved they were.

When they say boys will be boys, they really mean that boys will be hellions, right? Well, that’s the stereotype. But the truth is very different.

The waitress in this story learned why you should never judge a book by its cover.

Nicole Marie/Facebook Source: Nicole Marie/Facebook

The Red Dog Saloon in Milford, Michigan is a favorite among the town’s locals. And after 10 years of working as a waitress in the restaurant, Nicole Marie has gained a pretty strong intuition.

She can usually tell what a customer will be like before she’s even spoken to them.

So when a group of seven sixth graders walked in through the door, Marie thought that she was in for a hard time.

Aerial_strong/Instagram Source: Aerial_strong/Instagram

They all took their places at an empty table and patiently waited for Marie to greet them.

At first, Marie was confused. The boys were the opposite of rude, loud or obnoxious.

They were talking no louder than anyone else in the restaurant. So Marie looked around for their parents, without finding any. They were being well behaved without adult supervision!?

Marie walked up to the boys. She just had to be sure that they were on their own, so she asked them.

They confirmed that they were and that they’d been looking forward to this dinner for weeks.

As Marie took their order, she became even more impressed with the boys.

They said please and thank you. When one boy answered his phone during the order, another boy told him to get off his phone, as it was rude.

Marie gave the boys their food. They all ate politely and carefully.

Red Dog Saloon/Facrbook Source: Red Dog Saloon/Facrbook

At the very end, someone else in the restaurant came up to their table and said that they would be covering the boys’ tab for being so polite. The boys thanked the person and therefore left Marie an extra big tip.

The icing on the cake was that just before the boys left, they neatly stacked up all their plates so that it would be easy for Marie to tidy up.

Nicole Marie/Facebook Source: Nicole Marie/Facebook

Marie was so amazed that she took to Facebook to thank the boys and share how amazing they’d been. She even posted a photo of how they’d left the table.

“Even grown adults (myself included) rarely leave the table this clean!” – Nicole Marie.

People loved Marie’s post. Pretty soon, people started liking, sharing and commenting on it. To date, it has gained over 28,000 likes, 10,000 shares and 1,600 comments. People have been saying things like this:

Nicole Marie/Facebook Source: Nicole Marie/Facebook

Nicole Marie went as far as to say that her faith in future generations has been restored.

One of the problems with the world today is that there is such a focus on the negative. If you believed everything that some sources told you, you’d think that kids today were all jerks. Of course, SOME kids are jerks. But is that anything new? Think back to when you were a kid. You may not have been rude, but some kids you knew sure were.

Most kids nowadays, just like in the past, are great people.

Sure, they may have hairstyles, hobbies and musical tastes that differ from your own. But is that really such an issue?

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Today my faith in future generations was restored!! I had 7, 6th grade boys come in while I was working and they wanted…

Posted by Nicole Marie onFriday, January 10, 2020

Source: Nicole Marie, Today
