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Ever wonder what your cat would say if he or she could talk?

If we’re being honest with ourselves, every cat owner has responded for their cat whether we would like to admit it or not.

All of our cats have looked at us like this before too and probably thought “hooman, what is wrong with you?”

Well, Steve Cash decided to put some words his cat Sylvester’s mouth and the results are hilarious. Sylvester is pretty snarky, like most cats. Sylvester tells it like it is.

Sylvester demands multiple cans of wet food and his “owner” even makes the awful suggestion that they soak his dry food in water to make pretend wet food. Sylvester isn’t buying it. How dare Cash suggest something so subpar. Cat owners everywhere know they demand the best.

Hilarity ensues when you meet the dog, Shelby.

Steve Cash Source: Steve Cash

Steve threatens to get Sylvester a trophy that says, “Sylvester: #1 Dog Lover,” to which Sylvester promptly responds with a “No, thank you!”

One would think with the dog’s larger size, she would be in control but alas Shelby has lost all control to Sylvester.

There’s actually a scientific reason dogs allow cats to run the show.

A study by the the University of Lincoln found that while cats and dogs are both domesticated, dogs are bread for companionship. The term “fighting like cats and dogs,” is a myth and based on their results 80% of respondents said their cats and dogs co-existed peacefully.

It’s actually due to the cat. Shocking, we know!

In their study, they published, “Typically, the cat appeared to be the main controller in determining amicability in the cat-dog relationship. Regression analysis revealed that owners’ perceptions of amicability were more influenced by “cat factors” than “dog factors.'”

Turns out, our cats really are in charge of things around here. Steve Cash and Shelby better start listening to Sylvester if they want a peaceful home.

After tormenting poor Shelby, Cash introduces Sylvester to “Random Kitten.” Will Sylvester allow peace or is this anarchy?

Poor Random Kitten tries to be nice to Sylvester but the hooman should have known better when it comes to Sylvester. He is a one cat kind of guy.

Check out this adorable video below to see the full conversation between Cash, Shelby, Random Kitten and, of course, Sylvester:

This video encases every pretend conversation we’ve had with our own cats. It’s exactly what every cat owner imagines their cat thinks of them and would say.

Cash and his cat Sylvester have their own YouTube channel where you can keep up with the talking kitty. You can see Sylvester go through the process of getting a job, a full length video with random kitten, and so much more.

Please SHARE this with your friends and family.

Source: University of Lincoln, Journal of Veterinary Behavior, The Dodo, Steve Cash
