Man’s comical video reveals what your cat would say if it could talk


If you’re a cat owner, you may look at your animal and wonder what they’re thinking. They have to be thinking about something, right? Cats have thoughts too. And what if they could talk? They would give you an earful! Have you ever watched your cat look at you? You know something is going on in that little head. After all, they do have nine lives. That’s a lot of living for one little animal. That means plenty going on in there!

Meet Sylvester. His own, Steve Cash, decided to give his pet a voice.

Facebook Screenshot/The Dodo Source: Facebook Screenshot/The Dodo

So, what does Sylvester have to say? Well, for starters, he isn’t too happy with the food situation. He especially doesn’t like the idea that his owner suggests wetting his dry cat food to make wet food. Sylvester isn’t having it! Would you want someone to water down your food and then present it as something else? Yeah, didn’t think so.

Sylvester is also not too happy when Cash suggests that the bed he’s on isn’t his. Sylvester has some turf issues!

Facebook Screenshot/The DoDo Source: Facebook Screenshot/The DoDo

Cash tries to get a rise out of Sylvester by bringing another pet on the scene…a dog! Oh, the humanity! Shelby is a large dog, much larger than Sylvester, but that doesn’t intimidate him in the least! Sylvester is ready to prove that he’s the stronger pet!

Facebook Screenshot/The Dodo Source: Facebook Screenshot/The Dodo

Cash thinks he’s funny when he suggests that Sylvester get a trophy that says “#1 Dog Lover”. Sylvester politely replies “No thank you”. See, cats do have manners.

Poor Sylvester gets another visitor…a random kitty. Talk about a catfight! Sylvester has no use for this feline friend. When asked if he can just be nice to this little guest, he quickly gives a “Nooo!” in response.

Facebook Screenshot/The Dodo Source: Facebook Screenshot/The Dodo

Here’s a little fun feline fact…cats are not into making instant friends. According to the ASPCA, it takes cats eight months to a year to develop a friendship with another cat. While they may learn to deal with one another, they still may never develop a deep friendship. That’s just some catnip for thought.

Getting back to Cash and Sylvester, since Cash had so much fun giving Sylvester a “voice” he decided that the fun shouldn’t stop there.

That’s why Sylvester has his own diary. Yep, his own diary. Cats have deep secret thoughts, don’t you know that?

Facebook Screenshot/The Dodo Source: Facebook Screenshot/The Dodo

In it, he thinks about his future and his career aspirations. Cats can become rappers, right? Because Sylvester has some mean rhymes he’s ready to drop! He also probably writes about his own too. We already know he has a few bones to pick with Cash, starting with that wet cat food trick that wasn’t so funny.

The fun with Sylvester doesn’t stop there. Because Sylvester has so much to say, Cash decided that he and his frisky feline needed their own YouTube Channel. The channel follows Sylvester and his antics and even his love life. Did you know that Sylvester had a Tinder account? #truestory Cats need love too!

YouTube Screenshot Source: YouTube Screenshot

The next time you’re wondering, what would your cat would say in any situation, think about Sylvester. What would Sylvester say? He seems to have plenty to say and tons of other adventures. Be sure to check them out when you need a good laugh! He may even have a few things to say about you!

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Source: The Dodo
