7 surprising reasons why being a “crazy cat lady” is good for your health

cats help health

If you love cats and have a few, chances are people have joked with you about being a cat lady. You may have even been called a “crazy cat lady” and wonder why people think you’re crazy just because you love cats.

Now, you can tell them that there’s nothing crazy about being a cat lady. In fact, it’s actually good for your health.

cats good for health
Pixabay Source: Pixabay

If they don’t believe you, tell them you have science to back you up. So, take that cat lady shamers!

Here are seven (yes, seven) real reasons why being a cat lady is good for your health.

1. Being a cat lover is good for your heart

You know how relaxed you feel when you pet your cat? Well, that’s because petting a cat can lower your blood pressure and put you at less risk of having a heart attack. A 2009 study in the Journal of Vascular and Interventional Neurology found that cat owners are less likely to have strokes and suffer fatal cardiovascular diseases. In fact, having a cat can reduce your risk of heart disease by 30 percent. Take that cat lady shamers!

2. Cuddling with your cat reduces stress and anxiety

cats good for health
Pixabay Source: Pixabay

When you get really stressed out and your cat comes in for a cuddle, did you ever realize how relaxed you feel? That’s because petting your cat releases serotonin. This chemical affects your mood, anxiety, and happiness.

Science also shows that hugging cats cuts cortisol production. Cortisol is linked to stress. So, next time you’re feeling crazy stressed, pet a cat.

3. Cats Help Combat Depression

When you’re feeling depressed and down in the dumps, you just want something or someone to help you feel better. Science shows that snuggling your cat produces oxytocin. This is the “feel-good” chemical that creates calm and closeness.

Dr. Carol Rinkleib Ellison described the feeling in an article for “Live Science” where she explains how oxytocin is the “hormone of attachment”. When people feel attached to something, it can help to make them feel less depressed.

4. Cats can make your nose feel less stuffy

cats help people's health
Pixabay Source: Pixabay

Having a stuffy nose can make you feel yucky. But, one study found in Clinical & Experimental Allergy shows that children living with cats tend to have fewer allergies when they become adults. They concluded that being exposed to cat fur can boost the immune system.

5. Cats can help us heal

The simple purring of a cat creates vibrations that are medically known to be therapeutic for many illnesses. These good kitty vibrations have been shown to help people heal with infections and swelling and help heal the body’s soft tissues. The vibrations have also been linked to stronger bones.

6. Cats make us more compassionate

cats help people's health
Pixabay Source: Pixabay

To love cats you need to be a compassionate person. For many people, caring for others, including cats, makes us feel happier. The happier you are, the less depressed and healthier you will be. So, caring for your cat and the compassion that you gain is good for your overall health.

7. Cats help us sleep better

Do you have trouble sleeping? Get a cat. Whether you want to catch a cat nap or get a good night’s sleep, try sleeping in the same room as your cat. Researchers from the Mayo Clinic found that people who sleep in the same room as their pets not only sleep better but were also happier and more relaxed.

cats help health
Pixabay Source: Pixabay

The next time someone thinks they’re funny and calls you a “crazy cat lady”, you can tell them that science has your back and that the only crazy thing is not having a cat!

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Source: iHeartCats
