Scientists finally explain why most cats are totally obsessed with plastic bags

cat obsessed with plastic bags

Animals and humans alike all have their little quirks and obsessions. When it comes to cats, many seem to have a thing for plastic bags. To the human eye, they’re no big deal. They’re just handy to carry things in from the store and to use for trash. But, to cats, they are much more.

cat obsessed with plastic bags
unsplash Source: unsplash

Is your cat obsessed with plastic bags? Does he love to smell them, jump in them, and just play around with them?

If so, here are some reasons why.

If your cat goes after your grocery bags after you’ve unpacked your food, it could be because he smells the food.

Cats have a strong sense of smell. Even when the food is no longer in the bag, they can still smell it. They can smell it so they may start licking the bag to see if they can get anything out of it.

According to Pet Health Network, your cat may also be trying to get after the substances that the bags are coated in. Many bags are coated in things like cornstarch, salts of stearate acid, or may be made of animal by-products like gelatin. Cats like all of these things, so that could be why they’re going after your bags.

cat obsessed with plastic bags
i heart cats Source: i heart cats

If your cat is chewing on your plastic bags, he could have some dental problems.

You’ll want to go to the vet to make sure there are no problems with his teeth. You may also want to check that your cat is getting enough of the foods he needs in his diet. He could be trying to chew it thinking he’s going to get some good food.

One other reason why your cat could be obsessed with your plastic bags is that he’s bored.

cat obsessed with plastic bags
i heart cats Source: i heart cats

We all do strange things when we’re bored, so cats are no different. Keep plenty of cat toys handy and play with him every once and a while so that he stays occupied and away from your plastic bags.

You also don’t want your cat into your bags 24/7 because it’s not safe for them. Just like you’re told to keep plastic bags away from babies, you should also keep them away from your pets. You don’t want them to suffocate or choke on the plastic if they bite it off or rip it.

cat obsessed with plastic bags
Pixabay Source: Pixabay

To keep your cat from chewing on your plastic bags, keep them away. This means not leaving them on the floor after you’re done unpacking the groceries. Either put them out reach or get in the habit of using recyclable bags. This will not only help with your cat and bag problem, but it’s also better for the environment.

cat obsessed with plastic bags
pixabay Source: pixabay

If your cat is into the crinkly sound that plastic bags make look for toys that mimic that sound. This is an easy, yet helpful way to solve your problem.

If your cat is obsessed with plastic bags, know that you’re not alone. You can squash his obsession one plastic bag at a time, just be patient.

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