Scientists finally explain why cats like some people more than others

Cat mom and dads share many anecdotes about how they found their babies. These stories often involve instant magical connections during the first time they meet their felines. It is almost like experiencing love at first sight.

Cats are said to be very choosy about what humans they want to be with. They are very sweet creatures but they can appear standoffish to some. They treat each human differently.

Just like human beings, each cat has a personality. From a feline’s perspective, some humans are just easier to get along with than others. Families who have pet cats testify to this. For example, their cat can be more attached to the children even though it is the mom who provides his food and water.

So, why do cats like one more than another? Science tells us these reasons:

1. Cats need personal space and their humans should support that

Instagram/my_furry_babies Source: Instagram/my_furry_babies

One thing that cat mommies and daddies need to understand is that cats are introverts. This does not mean that they do not have the ability to mingle. Rather, as introverts, cats need time to be alone in order to gain energy.

As introverts, too much human and social interaction make cats tired and grumpy. The shift from one mood to another can be sudden and new cat’s owners might feel disoriented. As a tip, when this happens, it means that cats have to be left alone.

The humans who let them be will be rewarded with the most affection when they are ready. This is their way of expressing gratitude to those who understand them. They notice which ones respect their personal space and thus, feel closer to them along the way.

2. They are good friends with those who they are comfortable with

pepper_the_grey_cat Source: pepper_the_grey_cat

As we have established, every cat is unique. Some cats love mountain climbing while others like sitting quietly in one corner for hours. When a feline and a human form a strong bond, it is often because they have common personalities. It may not be very obvious in the beginning but time always reveals what the human and the kitty have in common.

Cats have strong radars about which humans share the most characteristics with them. They confirm their instincts through careful observation. It is no surprise then that many bookworms normally jive with serene furballs while daredevils have cats who like jumping from one high place to another.

3. Cats chooses who to trust

straycatalliance Source: straycatalliance

If you have just adopted a stray cat, it is possible that you have run into some difficulties. Do not worry. Your story is common among other moms and dads of former strays. Unfortunately, one of the reasons is that stray cats had to go through traumatic experiences that are hard to recover from.

There are cases where the kitty is afraid of the adoptive parent. Some think it is because the human resembles someone who scared the feline in the past. This can be a very hard experience for the new parent, especially when he or she is very eager to give the cat a joyful life.

Another possibility is that the new mom or dad is doing something that pushes all the wrong buttons. One example is when a human accidentally steps on their kitty’s tail one too many times. While unintentional, the act can cause cats to lose their affection towards the human.

4. Some are genetically inclined to be fiercely loyal

norwegianforest_cat Source: norwegianforest_cat

These breeds — Bengals, Himalayan, Siamese, and Norwegian Forest Cats – are fiercely loyal according to feline behavioral scientists. Once they are attached to one person, it is very hard to break that bond.

That said, every cat is different. Breeds do play a factor. However, not every single one will follow the expectations. A breed’s general behavior should just serve as a guideline for cat lovers and owners.

If you and your cat are taking time to bond, hang in there.

Relationships with cats take time and effort. Just be more sensitive and observant of what you cat likes and things can change pretty quickly. In the end, your love will make doing what is best for them come naturally and you will achieve your happy ending.

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Source: My Furry Babies, pepper_the_grey_cat, Stray Cat Alliance, Norwegian Forest Cat
