Woman's DIY haircut for her husband turns into hilarious disaster

Being quarantined is making people try things that they never have before. While that might not necessarily be a bad thing, there are some drawbacks. The good news, however, is that we learn more about ourselves.

One of the bigger topics that comes up when being stuck in quarantined is discussed are haircuts. Since people are unable to leave the house for haircuts, manicures, and everything else, some people are learning how to do these things in the comfort of their own homes.

Wallpaper Flare Source: Wallpaper Flare

While this is great for those who discover that they might have a knack for something, it can be disastrous for others who have to learn the hard way. After all, some things are just best left to the pros.

But one young couple, Emily Pendergast, 33, and her husband Cory Pendergast, 42, from Los Angeles, decided to roll the dice and attempt an at-home haircut. The good news is, if it turns out poorly, nobody would see it. Right?

Cody Pendergast Source: Cody Pendergast

Not exactly. Emily recorded the haircut that she gave to her husband, Cory, so she could send it to her friend, Allison.

In an interview with BuzzFeed, Emily stated, “Knowing my lack of talent, my friend, Allison, suggested I film it. We love to send fun videos to our family to keep them entertained.”

Little did they know, this would be a fun video to entertain the world as well. Today, the video has been viewed over 15,000 times and has over 67,000 shares.

Emily Pendergast Source: Emily Pendergast

In the video, Emily and Cory are in the bathroom at their house. Cory sits patiently as Emily assesses his hair. Frankly, she seems uneasy to even begin. She takes pieces of his hair into her hands unsure of where to start.

There isn’t a comb in sight. But Cory appears to be watching a video of how to cut hair on his phone. He tells Emily that she is only going to trim his hair and not cut it. In addition, he advises that she cut at an angle.

“We don’t even have the right scissors,” she says.

“It’s just a little bit, babe,” he responds.

Emily Pendergast Source: Emily Pendergast

When she begins, she laughs nervously as she tries to determine where to cut. After trimming off a small portion, Cory picks up a strand and says, “Yeah, no more than this.”

However, that’s when things take a dive. Emily seems to disregard his instructions and grabs a thick strand of hair and cuts it. When she laughs, Cory looks up and says, “Honey, that’s too much. That’s too much.”

Still, when he realizes that it was just from the middle section, he allows her to continue.

She confesses that she’s nervous and begins to laugh. This makes Cory nervous as well but the two simply laugh off their concerns.

Emily Pendergast Source: Emily Pendergast

“Don’t take my bangs,” he says with a laugh. “Seriously.”

But unfortunately, when he looks up and sees the amount of hair in her hands, he panics.

“Honey, that’s too much!” he says.

Emily Pendergast Source: Emily Pendergast

He jumps up and looks in the mirror. Wide-eyed and dismayed, “Dude! No,” he says.

At this point, Emily can’t stop laughing. When she offers to fix it, Cory tells her that she can’t.

Emily Pendergast Source: Emily Pendergast

“I look like a Kewpie doll,” he says.

Still, Cory seems to take the mishap in stride. Something that many would not be able to do.

Emily Pendergast Source: Emily Pendergast

Cory, as you can tell, is incredibly positive and lighthearted. When he saw his ‘bangs’ in my hands, I think he was fully dumbfounded,” Emily told BuzzFeed.

Today, Cory is shaved and looks less like a Kewpie doll.

You can see the disastrous haircut below!

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Sources: Facebook, BuzzFeed
