Woman adopts world's 'most judgmental' chihuahua and she loves every minute of it

Grief is such a tricky thing. No matter what species, grief seems to be something we all share. And when two grieving beings come together, the comfort is indescribable.

Stacy, a woman who had just lost her dog then, adopted a chihuahua.

“I had never thought about owning a chihuahua before but I was like, ‘let’s give it a go,'” Stacy recalled.

The Youtube video posted by GeoBeats Animals was filled with videos of Stacy and her newly adopted dog at the time. She named the chihuahua Tina.

It was easy to see that they were inseparable.

“I think if Tina and I could both have our way, we would just spend every waking minute of the day together,” Tina’s loving human fondly shared.

Tina’s an extremely happy dog and this happiness effortlessly radiated into Stacy’s life. Every time her owner calls her, she immediately appears out of nowhere jumping for joy and wagging her tail.

Tina’s favorite part of the day is definitely once Stacy comes home.

Even if her human was gone for just 30 seconds, her reaction, once she sees Stacy at the door, remains to be the same. It’s the most adorable thing!

“I get a text from my friend Beth and she was like, ‘Hey, some friends of mine, they just lost their mom, Carol,” she recounted. “And Carol had a chihuahua named LilBit and I know that you just lost your dog, would you be willing to take her in?”

She initially hesitated because she had then just lost her dog.

She even felt guilty for just considering the idea at all. But she ended up giving it a try. She wanted to see if the chihuahua will get along with her other dogs.

“When I got to the back of the car, laying in this little bitty bed, she had her paws crossed and she just squinted at me and judged harder than I’ve ever been judged in my life,” Stacy hilariously narrated.

Tina revealed some real attitude at the get-go.

And best believe Stacy was blown away, “We loaded her up and she stayed in my arms the entire drive back home.”

“We were inseparable and she chose me as her person,” she lovingly said.

The duo ended up being each others’ strength throughout their griefs.

“But I was definitely grieving losing Beebs,” she recalled. “And so I had read that one of the best ways to get past that guilt of taking in a new dog after losing another one is to tell your new dog about your old dog.”

And that’s exactly what she did. She put up a photo of Beebs and told Tina stories about him. The gesture ended up being extremely therapeutic for Stacy.

Stacy obviously decided to keep her for good.

It’s been about three years since and her life has never been the same.

“All this dog wants to do is be held and loved and go everywhere with me,” she remarked. Indeed, they have become the best of friends.

The bond between these two is truly magical, given that they found each other during the most difficult times of their respective lives.

Watch the video below to learn more about Tina’s story.

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Source: Youtube
