After wife is diagnosed with Alzheimer’s, husband makes a special bike so they can ride together

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Every marriage has its challenges. Bill and Glad had already been through so much when Glad learned that she had Alzheimer’s.

Bill and Glad have known each other since they were children. At first, Bill became best friends with Glad’s brother.

Queensland State Archives/Flickr Source: Queensland State Archives/Flickr

He first met Glad when he was 8 and she was 7. Glad would stare at Bill when he and her brother were playing together. At the time, Bill was not interested in being in a relationship with her.

But then, when Bill was 17 and Glad was 16, Bill saw Glad “dolled up, dressed up,” and immediately fell in love with her. From that moment onwards, the two started dating, and they would never stop.

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The couple would always bike everywhere together. They both loved the exercise and the freedom that comes with biking. Even when they had gotten married and had kids, they would still bike as much as they could. To accommodate their children, they installed baby chairs onto the bikes.

Bill and Glad spent many happy decades with one another. Eventually, the kids grew up and started their own families.

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The house was emptier than before. But the couple still had biking.

Then, in 2004, Bill noticed some issues with Glad. She was forgetting things more frequently and acting out of character. Eventually, the couple learned what the issue was. Glad had Alzheimer’s.

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This diagnosis was initially devastating for Bill and Glad. But the couple adapted to the change, with Bill never once complaining about having to look after his wife.

The only true regret was that Glad was no longer well enough to go on bike rides.

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Bill realized that there was a way for them to still enjoy their favorite pastime. Bill decided to make a bike chair that was like the ones they had made for their kids, only larger.

The finished bike, which is technically a tricycle, allowed Bill and Glad to ride together once more.

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The special bike has caused a lot of interest in Bill and Glad’s hometown.

People are always coming up to talk to the couple about the invention. When Bill tells them their story, they are amazed that he would do this.

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It isn’t easy living with Alzheimer’s or caring for someone with Alzheimer’s, but both Bill and Glad are adamant that they wouldn’t want to live any other way.

Bill and Glad’s story then appeared on YouTube. This story soon went viral. To day, it has gained over 2.7 million views. It also has more than 15,000 likes and 900 comments. People have been saying things like this:

Why God/YouTube Source: Why God/YouTube

Clearly, Bill and Glad are very lucky to have one another.

They have been in love for over half a century. They’ve lived their lives to the fullest. Even now, as age has caused them to have health issues, their love is just as strong as ever.

Every couple should strive to have a relationship as strong as Bill and Glad’s. They have looked after one another for almost their entire lives. While Glad’s health has declined, Bill’s dedication to her has only increased.

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Source: Why God?
