Shaking woman begs gas station cashier for rescue – Cashier’s swift actions save her life

Be sure to reach the end of this article to see the full video!
Being a cashier is an unexciting profession, until you are put in a position where you are the only one who can save someone’s life.
Savannah Pritchett works as a gas station cashier in Waterford, California. Most days, her job is pretty routine. But one day while at work, she became a hero (even though she would later personally deny the title.)

It all began when a car pulled into the gas station. A woman got out and walked into the store.
The woman walked up to Savannah and grabbed her. Her arms were shaking. She kept on saying one thing over and over again: “Please. Please help me.”

Savannah looked into the woman’s eyes. She could tell that this was no joke. The woman was in danger.
Savannah asked what was wrong. The woman then told the cashier that she had been held at gunpoint in town, sexually assaulted and was in the process of being kidnapped. She also revealed that her kidnappers were just outside. They both had guns.
Some people would have panicked upon hearing this news, but not Savannah.
Savannah led the woman to the staff bathroom with a phone so that she could call the police.

Pritchett went back to the checkout to monitor the kidnappers.
After a short while, the kidnappers became suspicious of where the woman had got to and entered the store.

Savannah kept calm in the face of the two criminals. Instead of telling the truth, she told them that the woman had gone into the bathroom for women’s personal reasons.
The men decided to wait for the woman inside the store.
When Pritchett heard the police sirens, she finally made her exit, knowing that the cops could take it from here.
The police, knowing that the criminals were armed, approached them with their guns drawn.

At this point, the kidnappers surrendered. The police cuffed and arrested them. They then went to jail. They are now in prison for their crimes.
Later, the cops were able to arrest two other men in connection to the crime.
The woman was finally safe, and the cops drove her back home.
If it hadn’t been for Savannah, the situation could have played out very differently. She put her own life on the line so that someone else could be safe. And thanks to her vigilance, four terrible criminals are now off the streets. She is undoubtedly a hero for doing this.
This news story made its way onto YouTube, where it made a big impact.
It soon gained hundreds of thousands of views. To date, it has had over 400,000 views. It also has over 6,100 likes and 650 comments. People have been saying things like this:

Stories like this show that we all have a duty to look out for one another. Sadly, the world is still a very dangerous place, even in a supposedly secure area like suburban California.
Some people exist only to harm and exploit others. And it could be that the only thing that has a chance of saving the victims from these people is you.
If you are ever in a situation where you have to save someone from kidnappers (yes, it sounds silly, but this story shows that it can happen) act like Savannah: get the victims to safety, call the police and remain calm.
Please SHARE this with your friends and family.
Source: CBS Sacramento