Woman bullied and harassed about her teeth – then a stranger steps in and changes her life

The internet has paved the way for many good things, but it has also given bullies a platform to terrorize people without having to show their face. This is a story of how internet bullies tried to bring one woman down, but it ended up changing her life for the better.

This is so wonderful, what an incredible doctor!

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Cruel bullies started roasting her on social media for her teeth, but actually ended up helping her get the smile she’d always wanted

Jessica McDaniels was innocently smiling in the back rouas her friends got engaged. She had no idea her crooked teeth would bring thousands of internet trolls who had nothing better to do than make fun of her.

St. Louis Post-Dispatch Source: St. Louis Post-Dispatch

The cruel bullies started going in on her, which made her feel bad for taking away the attention from the proposal she was so happy to see,

Growing up, Jessica had been harshly bullied but thought adults were more mature than that

Turns out, even some adults can be completely heartless. Jessica’s adult teeth grew in later than most, and when they did, they grew in crooked with a big overbite which led to kids constantly teasing her.

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Her good friend said enough is enough, he started a go-fund-me for Jessica with a goal of $10,000 to get her teeth fixed.

“I think that it is sad that most of the people that are reposting and doing this cyberbullying are adults. JESSICA has struggled with this issue and has been teased for most of life about her teeth. Instead of criticizing and tearing Jessica down, let’s support her dream of making her smile perfect.” The go-fund-me read.

GoFundMe Screenshot Source: GoFundMe Screenshot

It’s not like Jessica didn’t want to get her teeth fixed, she just couldn’t afford the pricey procedure

Donations began pouring in, proof that for every mean bully, there are also caring people who want to help. Within no time, Jessica had over $9k to get her teeth fixed but another big surprise was on the horizons.

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After the story was shared on St. Louis Post-Dispatch, a kind-hearted doctor wanted to do the surgery free of charge leaving Jessica with a pile of money and new teeth.

That’s when Dr. Maryann Udy stepped in to do the surgery for free, she wanted to prove that there are good people out there

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Although Jessica was super happy and grateful, she was also very nervous but knew it would change her life forever. She endured the painful surgery and recovery, and the before and after pictures are nothing less than miraculous.

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Dr. Udy did the complicated surgery free of charge and it went off without a hitch, by the time she was done Jessica had a brand new smile and could leave all the bullying in the past. Now, instead of going viral for her crooked teeth, she’s going viral for her new beautiful smile!

Jessica is the one who’s laughing now, but judging by her caring nature she won’t be lashing back at those trolls who tried to bring her down

St. Louis Post-Dispatch Source: St. Louis Post-Dispatch

What an amazing story, to see people step up and help someone like this is so inspiring. Jessica is loving her new smile, but it doesn’t define her it just makes life a little bit brighter. To see this story in more detail, watch the video below!

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Source: Shareably/SpotLight, St. Louis Post-Dispatch, YouTube
