Woman stepped in to be his 'daughter' – when he passed, she made sure he felt love

We aren’t always in the best places in life. But there are always people who come to our aid.

They love us so much, that they will put aside their needs just to meet ours and change our lives.

Sometimes we call these people angels, but Nathaniel Hudson had a slightly different nickname for Brooke. He called her his “supervisor” and she called herself his “daughter.”

Facebook/Brooke O'Briant Source: Facebook/Brooke O'Briant

Brooke O’Briant lives in Arkansas and is a marketing professional in the business department at North River Village Assisted Living.

The hospital told her that Hudson was an elderly man and wasn’t in good living conditions.

He had needs that needed to be met for his own physical safety, and Brooke decided to help him carry his burden.

Facebook/Brooke O'Briant Source: Facebook/Brooke O'Briant

“Little did I know, an unbelievably special friendship was being formed. Little did I know, the good Lord was crossing my path with this kind soul to not only impact his life but mine as well,” she told Love What Matters.

Brooke was headed to bring Hudson to the facility, and she noticed that his apartment wasn’t in very good conditions. The walls were quite close making her feel claustrophobic and it was anything but clean. Mr. Hudson needed somewhere else to stay.

Facebook/Brooke O'Briant Source: Facebook/Brooke O'Briant

She made the decision to do whatever it would take to get him a safe, clean place to live.

“When I arrived, he was ready to go in his suit and hat. He looked so sharp that day. I remember telling him how nice he looked. He held onto my arm as we walked to my car. He toured our community that day and absolutely loved it. He didn’t want to leave. While he was there, he attended a Christmas concert and for the first time, I saw him dance. It warmed my heart and many others that day,” O’Briant said.

Facebook/Brooke O'Briant Source: Facebook/Brooke O'Briant

Brooke felt like the North River Assisted Living place was perfect for Mr. Hudson.

But it didn’t happen overnight.

After Hudson had an unfortunate stay in the hospital, he finally made it to the facility and settled down.

Facebook/Brooke O'Briant Source: Facebook/Brooke O'Briant

Mrs. O’Briant wasn’t the only one helping Mr. Hudson either.

All of the employees and sponsors merged together and donated bedding and other items to help him out.

The most important thing was that Brooke could rest knowing that her friend was safe and sound in a clean environment.

Facebook/Brooke O'Briant Source: Facebook/Brooke O'Briant

“I felt so good knowing he was in a safe, clean place with three meals a day, nurses making sure he took his medications and new friendships to lift his spirits. Over the following 12 months, Mr. Hudson and I became close buddies,” she said.

These people became Hudson’s second family.

Facebook/Brooke O'Briant Source: Facebook/Brooke O'Briant

Mr. Hudson didn’t have any family of his own at this stage in his life. So Brooke became his unofficial daughter.

Brooke handled his mail, dry cleaning, appointments with doctors, and anything else he needed help with.

“I became his ‘supervisor.’ That’s what he told people I was. It always made me laugh. He went to church with my family and was around my kiddos many times. He proudly told everyone he saw at church that day that I was his daughter. It melted my heart,” O’Briant recalls.

Facebook/Brooke O'Briant Source: Facebook/Brooke O'Briant

Thanks to Brooke, Mr. Hudson was flourishing at the assisted living home.

But Hudson wasn’t just going to sit around. He loved exercising, meeting new people, and playing games.

Sadly, after a few months, Mr. Hudson’s health began to rapidly decline.

The final diagnosis was cancer.

But he wouldn’t make any end of life decisions without O’Briant by his side.

He told the hospital staff, “I’m not making any decisions without Brooke.” He later gave a note to one of the nurses that read, “Brooke is my everything.”

Mr. Hudson was discharged from the hospital knowing he didn’t have much time left. He made O’Briant his power of attorney. She was brought to tears with the amount of trust that he bestowed upon her.

Facebook/Brooke O'Briant Source: Facebook/Brooke O'Briant

“The nurses told me that prior to his passing, he sang ‘Amazing Grace’ so loudly that it echoed throughout the facility. He had been a little confused lately, but he knew every word to the song. He sang it over and over. I think he knew he was about to go home to Heaven,” O’Briant.

O’Briant was definitely sad with Mr. Hudson’s passing, but she felt honored that she even got to meet him at the end of his life. She raised enough money for his funeral on a GoFundMe page, and she is using the rest of the money raised to make sure he has a beautiful ceremony.

“I appreciate each of you and your support and love for me and my precious buddy means more to me than you’ll ever know!” she wrote on Facebook.

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Source: Facebook, Spotlight Stories, LoveMatters
