Young woman tries out new dance challenge but a giraffe steals the show

Raise your hand if you once joined a TikTok dance craze.

Unsplash - Andrew Kondrakov Source: Unsplash - Andrew Kondrakov

I bet some of you have tried doing a dance or two, and it doesn’t matter whether you published it or not.

Let’s admit it – those dance challenges and all that craze? It’s very tempting even if we dance with two left feet.

This woman tried her luck at one of the dance challenges, but it didn’t go as planned.

YouTube Screenshot - BVIRAL Source: YouTube Screenshot - BVIRAL

Not much was known of this woman’s identity or where this was taken.

Still, you could tell she’s probably working in a zoo, safari, or wildlife rehabilitation center because of her background. Majestic!

She positioned herself in front of the camera, ready to take on the dance challenge.

YouTube Screenshot - BVIRAL Source: YouTube Screenshot - BVIRAL

The video was framed perfectly because it shows the beautiful greenery at the back and a couple of giraffes going about their day.

Who wouldn’t notice a video like that? Those two gentle giants were truly eye-catching.

But it seemed like one of them had something else in mind.

YouTube Screenshot - BVIRAL Source: YouTube Screenshot - BVIRAL

As the woman took her position and waited for her cue, the giraffe at the right was also waiting for his.

We bet she also got a hint that her tall friend was up to something because she kept glancing at him.

She started to do her dance, and her first few steps went well.

YouTube Screenshot - BVIRAL Source: YouTube Screenshot - BVIRAL

Although, you can still see her apprehension as she catches a glimpse of her four-legged friend moving toward the camera inch by inch.

She continued her dance until she noticed the giraffe was already towering beside her.

Then, she pointed upward to the giraffe as if acknowledging him there.

YouTube Screenshot - BVIRAL Source: YouTube Screenshot - BVIRAL

We’re unsure if that was her intent or was just part of the choreography, and the placement was merely coincidental.

Still, the show must go on. She continued her dance as the giraffe also continued pacing toward the camera.

And there he went! His face is right in front of the camera, covering the woman!

YouTube Screenshot - BVIRAL Source: YouTube Screenshot - BVIRAL

We might say it was an epic fail for that TikTok dance challenge, but hey! If the goal was to get many views, this one’s a winner!

It’s not every day that someone dances with giraffes, right?

The video already has 15,000 views on YouTube and counting.

YouTube Screenshot - BVIRAL Source: YouTube Screenshot - BVIRAL

There’s no other source of this video aside from BVIRAL, but there’s a good chance she posted it on her social media accounts not realizing the viral potential of her video.

It’s natural for giraffes to act as he did in that video.

Unsplash - James Wainscoat Source: Unsplash - James Wainscoat

They are social beings and are curious about what humans are doing.

If you see people filming their interaction with giraffes, most likely, they will act like this one on the video: trying to get closer to the camera and say hi.

But can giraffes dance? We’re not so sure.

Wikimedia Commons - hyper7pro Source: Wikimedia Commons - hyper7pro

They’re fast, their necks are flexible, and they can join you in a TikTok dance challenge like this one. You be the judge of that!

Watch the full video below!

Source: BVIRAL YouTube Channel, How Stuff Works, Animal Safari
