Woman with dog stops when she finds little girl outside of funeral home who just lost her dad

Dogs are simply the best,

They are loyal, funny, and will always make you smile if you’re having a difficult moment.

No matter whether you had an injury or are struggling through a rough time, a dog will always be there. They do whatever it takes to make you forget about your pain.

Pexels – Daria Shevtsova Source: Pexels – Daria Shevtsova

According to different studies, dogs can make us feel happy. After all, interacting with these furry friends makes our brain produce oxytocin. This is a hormone that increases our feelings of trust, empathy, and even relaxation. In fact, it can even reduce our levels of stress and anxiety.

One of the greatest examples of this took place in Greenwood, Arizona.

It involved a beautiful big dog and a little girl who went through the worst type of experience. Believe it or not, her father had just died and she was saying her last goodbye at his funeral.

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According to a CBS News report, Raelynn Nast’s father died of colon cancer on April 14th. He was just 41 years old, leaving a wife and a daughter without a loving husband and father.

Raelynn’s mother Lacey explained that it was the worst moment of their lives. She explained that it was heartbreaking when her daughter heard about her father’s death.

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It was a cry that was pure heartbreak,” Lacey told CBS News. She added that none of them couldn’t believe what they were going through.

The funeral took place at McConnell Funeral Home Chapel.

For a 6-year-old little girl, this was overwhelming and she didn’t know what to do. It was a horrible combination of grief and confusion.

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At some point during the funeral, Raelynn decided she couldn’t take it and left.

That’s when Emily Beineman appeared with her dog Blue.

Both of them were jogging as they do most mornings until they found Raelynn. She was crying all by herself, not knowing what to do.

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Once they crossed paths, the little girl felt happy after seeing the dog. In fact, she even asked Emily if she could pet it.

She was like, ‘May I pet your puppy?’, and I was like, ‘Yeah, of course, as long as your parents don’t mind,” Emily told CBS News.

While she accepted Raelyn’s request, she didn’t know she was experiencing the death of a father. The little girl told Emily everything about it a couple of minutes after petting Blue.

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The moment was so overwhelming for Emily that she shared the story on her Facebook account.

The little girl did a shy little smile and said ‘Oh, my parents aren’t out here – my mom’s inside and my daddy died. We are at his funeral,” Emily wrote.

The most surprising element about this situation was Blue’s attitude. He acted as he knew what Raelynn was going through as he treated her in a loving manner.

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Before I could say a word, Blue walked up to this little girl and ever so gently sat down in front of her. The girl wrapped her arms around Blue’s neck and wouldn’t let go. This little girl’s friends and family were all surrounding us and as I looked around there wasn’t a dry eye to be found (except this little girl),” Emily wrote.

Raelynn invited Emily to see her dad.

She was so happy that she wanted to thank Emily in the most heart-touching manner.

Even though she wasn’t dressed appropriately, Emily accepted the invitation. After all, she knew that the little girl was going through a horrible moment.


(Raelynn) showed me the beautiful bouquet of flowers that surrounded his casket and told me how pretty she thought everything looked. She then asked if me and Blue would stay for a few more minutes. She wanted to pet Blue a little more. So we did,” Emily explained on her Facebook account.

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Despite the tragic experience, Raelynn made a new lovable friend. Hopefully, her friendship with Blue could last for years, and make her know there’s a rainbow after every storm.

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Source: CBS Evening News, Psychology Today.
