Young woman gets sweetest revenge after man mocks her dress on Tinder

20-year-old Thea Chippendale wanted to look for her next date on Tinder.

Flickr/Santiago Garza Source: Flickr/Santiago Garza

She had just gotten a message from a guy she matched with.

She swiping mindlessly when she got a match on her Tinder account. But it turns out this guy swiped right so he could insult her.

“Not gonna lie you’re a bit of a joke but that dress in the last photo is not doing any favors. Hope this helps,” the guy told her.

Thea was shocked.

She couldn’t believe what this had just said. She replied with shock and he just answered with, “You heard me.”

Unsplash/Jamie Houghton Source: Unsplash/Jamie Houghton

Thea was even more shocked and she just couldn’t let this pass.

“Why did you feel like you needed to comment on it? Is your head that far up your own arse that you thought your opinion mattered?” Thea replied.

Was it over? Will he still reply? Well, he did.

“Literally had to tell you else I wouldn’t of slept. It’s awful you not reckon? Charity shop job! I tell you what… GROW UP! And shop somewhere decent! Thanks. Hope this helps,” the guy said.

Thea could not believe the audacity and insecurity of this man. And it seemed the guy only swiped right on Thea to mock her dress.

Thea couldn’t help but share her ordeal on Twitter, where so many other people agreed with her.

Other women were so shocked at the audacity of this person. And so did the men, who offered their own advice.

Her Tweet almost blew up Twitter because it was retweeted more than 8,000 times and received more than 100,000 likes.

“I’m absolutely blown away by mainly how positive the reaction has been,” Thea told BBC Newsbeat. “People have just been really positive and really nice about me about the way I dress.”

And Thea thought that that was that. She had already said her piece and she can move on with her life.

But then she got a reply to her Tweet that she did not expect.

Asos had gotten wind of her situation and wanted to do a nice thing for Thea. They sent her a message on Twitter, asking if she’d like to be on the product page of the same dress.

Asos could have capitalized on this situation to promote their website.

But it was still a powerful move, where Thea also got to exact classy revenge at the same time.

“I am still very in a state of shock this is all happening, purely from someone just being horrible to me,” Thea said. “I can’t believe something so negative has turned into something so positive.”

We’re glad this unfortunate incident has turned into a very positive and empowering ending.

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Source: BBC, Metro, Grazia, Twitter/Thea Chippendale
