Woman finds her missing cat in someone else’s apartment

Cats are naturally curious creatures. They have this instinct to investigate everything they see. Although curiosity is not a bad thing, it sometimes put them in a bit of trouble.
George is like most cats.

He likes to wander around the neighborhood and check on everyone. Most of the day, he’s outside his house, hanging out with both humans and cats.
One day, George’s human, Jodi McCree, noticed that he’s been away for some time.
Although the cat likes to go out, he always comes back to be with his human. Considering that he hasn’t returned yet, Jodi decided to look for her precious cat.
He’s an incredibly friendly cat.
With that in mind, Jodi searched around the complex. She called for him several times but there was no response.
Jodi recalled:
“I went looking around my neighborhood in my pajamas with a bag of treats calling for him.”
She didn’t have time to dress up and fix herself before going out. Since she looked like a mess, she got some weird stares from her neighbors.
After realizing that George hasn’t responded, Jodi felt anxious.
It’s not normal for her cat to be away for such a long time. He always comes back right away to check on her.
She continued her search.

Thinking that she might have missed a part in the complex, Jodi decided to have another look around. At that point, she saw a familiar cat in a window. She took a closer look and to her surprise, it was George!
The cat managed to get into a neighbor’s apartment while its door was open.

Unfortunately, he ended up getting stuck inside. With the doors and windows closed, he couldn’t find a way to get outside and go home.
Jodi felt better.
After frantically searching for her cat, she finally found him and she felt better in an instant. What happened to George was unusual but it made her laugh a bit.
She shared:
“He seemed a bit confused as to why I wasn’t letting him outside, and instead just laughing at him.”
George had to stay at the apartment.

When Jodi found the cat, her neighbor was still not at home. She had to call her to let her know that poor George was inside the apartment.
Fortunately, the cat was safe inside.
Plus, he was able to eat and drink water. The neighbor has a really sweet dog that’s super friendly with cats. He didn’t mind letting George snack on his kibble.
George is still George.

Despite what happened, George remains a curious cat. In fact, right after getting reunited with his human, he went straight to his old habit. He continued to explore around and the neighbors don’t mind.

Jodi shared:
“He’s a really special cat and I’m still in shock that he was abandoned. He is well-known in my apartment by many neighbors, and well-loved. He even helped one of my previous elderly neighbors overcome her fear of cats! She’d sit out and talk to him when she saw him lounging outside.”
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