Woman on flight sees man texting about her when voice behind them demands to switch seats

The majority of people are good.

That’s how an airline passenger described her heartbreaking experiences when she traveled by plane recently.

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Savannah Phillips was traveling from Oklahoma City to Chicago when her worst dreams, unfortunately, became a reality.

Phillips said it all started when she was seated with a man in his 60s.

She shared in her Facebook post that sudden changes in her flight details prevented her from picking the seat she would normally take.

They were stuck with each other.

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“I always try to sit in a row where I don’t have to sit next to anyone,” she said in the post. She also shared that this was because of her insecurity regarding her size.

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She shared that she was not the biggest person on the airplane but she wasn’t the smallest either. One of her worst fears, she said, was someone being uncomfortable because of her.

When she reached her seat, she saw a man in bright yellow sunglasses already occupying the aisle seat.

He stood up to give way because Phillips was seated by the window.

Then, her nightmare began.

The flight attendant started with her safety speech.

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“His phone was maybe 12 inches from my face,” she said in the post and also described the letters being big and the brightness dialed to the max, “And he proceeded to text someone that he was sitting next to “a smelly fatty.”

Phillips didn’t even bother to read what the rest of the message said.

Phillips has always been conscious of her looks and how people perceived her. The fears she had about flying were happening right in front of her.

She was silently breaking down.

She started crying silently and praying the man wouldn’t talk to her. She said she might not have been able to control how she reacted.

To make matters worse, the pilot said that there would be delays and that they would have to stay for 30 more minutes.

Phillips couldn’t do anything but cry.

Then, all of a sudden she heard a voice come in from behind her. A man tapped the older man’s shoulder and said “Hey-I need to talk to you.”

The man behind them ordered the older man to switch seats with him because he saw what the older man was texting about Phillips.

Probably embarrassed, he relinquished his seat.

Phillips and the man started talking about their families and jobs. And throughout their conversation, he was encouraging Philipps not to let the man get to her.

The two parted ways at the airport but Phillips couldn’t believe the kindness she had experienced in the face of callousness.

It doesn’t take much to hurt someone but it also doesn’t take as much to make someone feel loved and accepted.

People on the internet were divided.

Despite the account of what happened, others defended the man by saying Phillips should not have read the message.

Others still pointed out that no matter who reads which message, there should always be room for kindness no matter where we go and who we encounter along the way.

What do you think?

Learn more about the kindness this man went out of his way to show in the video below!

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Source: YouTube – Inside Edition, Facebook – Savannah Phillips
