Woman flirts her way out of a ticket by throwing compliments the judge’s way

When you get a traffic ticket, you have the option of taking your case before a judge. Usually, this is reserved for special circumstances where the driver feels like they do not deserve a ticket. Both parties present their evidence and the judge makes a ruling.

One woman learned it doesn’t hurt to be nice and make the judge laugh when you do appear in traffic court. It could lead to you not having to pay the fine at all.

‘Caught In Providence’

YouTube Screenshot – Caught In Providence Source: YouTube Screenshot – Caught In Providence

YouTube channel “Caught In Providence” shows real people bringing their cases before a judge in Providence Municipal Court in Providence, Rhode Island. Presiding over the cases shown in the video is Judge Frank Caprio who is helped by Inspector Ziggy Quinn.

Kayla entered the courtroom with the right attitude

YouTube Screenshot – Caught In Providence Source: YouTube Screenshot – Caught In Providence

In this particular case, a young woman named Kayla Desano enters the courtroom. As she approaches her seat, she addresses Judge Caprio, asking him how he is. Judge Caprio asks her if she came to court to check on his health. But it seems Kayla is unfazed by the judge’s stone-cold demeanor.

Kayla and Judge Caprio have a connection

YouTube Screenshot – Caught In Providence Source: YouTube Screenshot – Caught In Providence

And for good reason. It seems that Judge Caprio knows Kayla’s father.

“Your dad told me had a wonderful daughter the last time I saw him,” Judge Caprio says in the YouTube video. “It must have been you.”

Inspector Quinn even chimes in with his thoughts on the young woman:

“I was going to say it had to be her sister.”

YouTube Screenshot – Caught In Providence Source: YouTube Screenshot – Caught In Providence

All of them get a laugh as they joke lightheartedly back and forth. But then it is time to get down to the specifics of the case, as Judge Caprio pulls up video footage of the traffic violation.

Reviewing Kayla’s violation on video

Pixabay – staboslaw Source: Pixabay – staboslaw

In the video, Kayla’s vehicle is shown doing a rolling stop at a red light. Even Kayla admits that she didn’t fully stop. And while there are no other cars or pedestrians present, what she did is still against the law. In Rhode Island, where Kayla got the ticket, she is looking at an $85 fine.

Pixabay – Alexas_Fotos Source: Pixabay – Alexas_Fotos

As for her reasons for wanting to get the ticket dismissed, she has a logical reason that she explains to the judge:

“I have a three-year-old son. I’m actually trying to collect disability. I have 18 pins and a plate in my right ankle due to a severe car accident back in 2017, so it’s hard for me to like walk and stuff.”

Judge Caprio gives Kayla a break

YouTube Screenshot – Caught In Providence Source: YouTube Screenshot – Caught In Providence

Judge Caprio sits in thought as he decides Kayla’s fate. Making a judgment call, Caprio decides to dismiss her fine. All Kayla has to pay are the court costs, which she would have had to pay anyway.

YouTube Screenshot – Caught In Providence Source: YouTube Screenshot – Caught In Providence

Kayla’s nice demeanor and joking manner ended up working for her in the end and had a big impact on the judge and the inspector.

Watch the video below for more of how Kayla was able to get herself out of a ticket with Judge Caprio.

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Sources: YouTube – Caught In Providence, Driving Laws
