Husband wants wife to keep gray hair, makeover team doesn’t listen

The Today Show was on a mission to turn two wonderful ladies’ lives around recently, who got ambush makeovers after being chosen bright and early at The Plaza. Louis Licari and Jill Martin were the style experts to work their magic on the two women and it turned out to be life-changing.
So life-changing that the first woman’s husband broke down in tears after seeing the transformation.

The first woman up goes by the name of Lourdes Hembrick. She’s 52-years-old from Fort Worth Texas and was in the midst of finish nursing school.
She told the crew that she rarely ever treats herself and that she wanted a whole new look to give her confidence when launching her career. She asked for a hairstyle that was a little bit shorter (but not too short since nurses are required to pull their hair back), a little bit fuller, and a little less gray.
It seemed like no problem since she was in good hands. Licari owns two successful NYC and Beverly Hills salons and personally believes that the right look can take years off a person’s face. Martin, on the other hand, is the author of the books Fashion for Dummies and The Weekend Makeover.

Before the makeover, the host of the interview even told Lourdes that she is about to be “the hottest nurse in town!”
Funny enough, Lourdes’ husband wasn’t for this as much as his wife was. Of course, he was happy, supportive and excited from the very beginning, but he was also a bit nervous and admitted that he did not want to see Lourdes’ gray here go.
After that, they blindfolded her husband as he eagerly awaited her brand-new transformation.

Now it is later in the day and Lourdes’ makeover is complete. She makes her debut to the room and her husband removes his blindfold. While Licari and Martin did not abide by his wishes, he is absolutely overwhelmed by her beauty.
At first, he seems pretty taken aback — actually, he seems taken aback the entire time — and all he can say is “wow,” over and over and over again. But wait, it gets better.
Soon his eyes get a bit red and well up with tears. He begins to cry over his wife’s beautiful transformation and it is honestly the most genuine, heartwarming, and kind reaction Lourde could have ever gotten.

Lourde hasn’t even seen the makeover for herself yet at this point, but just one look at her crying husband makes her begin to cry. It’s basically like he is her mirror! And it is clear that the connection between the two is so meaningful and deep.

Finally, still crying, the nurse-to-be takes one look in the mirror and is completely beside herself. She expresses her gratitude for the clearly talented fashion and style experts, and the camera flashes back to her husband. He is still in complete awe (and obviously loves it).
Is this not the sweetest thing you’ve ever seen?!
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Source: Shareably