Woman who had all her teeth pulled by malpractice gets a free life-changing makeover

Smiling is considered good for one’s health. It can help boost heart health, improve the immune system, reduce stress, and lower blood pressure. It can also trigger positive emotions.

Brittany Negler went to see a dentist to get her teeth fixed.

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The 29-year-old woman suffered from depression after her brother died. He fell into a crippling spiral which caused her to use drugs.

She recalled:

“For the longest time I thought I killed my brother. He had Ewing sarcoma. One day I woke up, I had a feeling not to go to school.”

That day, she went and laid in bed with him.

After 15 minutes, she heard her brother gasp. When she looked at him, he had already died next to her.

After what happened, Brittany looked for ways to cope.

Instagram-drkennysmiles Source: Instagram-drkennysmiles

She shared:

“I went to a dark place, I’m not going to lie. I started hanging out with the bad kids, started doing drugs to numb the feeling. I got really depressed. I was like, ‘I need to take care of myself.”

When she got into rehab, she was able to tell her family about the guilt she was struggling with.

Her family assured her that it wasn’t what happened and that she didn’t have to blame herself. They said that it was just his brother’s time to go.

After getting better, Brittany realized that she needed to help herself.

She saw a dentist in Philadelphia to fixed her missing and rotten teeth. There, she was told that her teeth weren’t fixable.

All of her teeth had to be pulled out.

Instagram-drkennysmiles Source: Instagram-drkennysmiles

Brittany recalled:

“I went and got my records before I came here and it looks like they just made it up right before I came in,’ she said. ‘Because on there it says fixable by a root canal, but they never said anything about a root canal. They said my teeth weren’t fixable that they had to be pulled.”

Things got worse for her.

Instagram-drkennysmiles Source: Instagram-drkennysmiles

She started losing weight because she couldn’t eat. She couldn’t even leave the house in fear of people mocking her missing teeth and her skinny frame.

The dentist gave her dentures.

Unfortunately, they were so large. She had a hard time closing her mouth and eating. She experienced so much pain wearing them.

To solve her weight issues, Brittany would consume bottles of Ensure.

That didn’t help, too. She continued losing weight and she had to wear layers of clothes just to hide how skinny she was.

Brittany reached out to a cosmetic dentist for help.

Instagram-drkennysmiles Source: Instagram-drkennysmiles

Upon hearing her story, Dr. Kenny Wilstead was more than happy to help her get her smile and confidence back.

Instagram-drkennysmiles Source: Instagram-drkennysmiles

Dr. Kenny made the perfect pair of removable dentures for Brittany.

Instagram-drkennysmiles Source: Instagram-drkennysmiles

When it was finally time to reveal her new look, Dr. Kenny gave the woman a mirror. After seeing her smile, Brittany started shedding tears of joy.

It was just super heartwarming. You can easily tell that her new smile meant a lot to her.

Instagram-drkennysmiles Source: Instagram-drkennysmiles

Watch the full video of Brittany’s smile makeover below!

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Source: Instagram-drkennysmiles, Verywell Mind
