Woman hugs random man and whispers "act like you know me, 3 guys are following me"

We live in a world where it’s unfortunately still unsafe for women to walk alone at night. Luckily, this danger is nothing like it used to be – but there will always be predators, and if you happen to be in the wrong place at the wrong time… it’s very scary.

One woman experienced the fear of being followed in New York City when she was heading home to reach her son late at night. The woman knew she was in danger, though what that danger was, she couldn’t predict. But she realized she needed to act fast to potentially save her own life.

So she approached a stranger and gave him a hug. She whispered to him that she was being followed, and begged him to act like he knew her.

Twitter@WonderKing82 Source: Twitter@WonderKing82

Thankfully, this man was the woman’s guardian angel that night. He played along with her act, greeting her like a friend. He then proceeded to walk the rest of the journey home with her.

The man in question was a guy called @WonderKing82, on Twitter, and he went on to explain his story in more detail.

Twitter Source: Twitter
Twitter@WonderKing82 Source: Twitter@WonderKing82

Apparently the frightened woman held his hand all the way to her home, apologizing for asking for his help as they walked. The man explained to her that it was his pleasure – though he admitted on Twitter that he’d been worried she was scamming him.

Twitter@WonderKing82 Source: Twitter@WonderKing82

It’s sad that this sort of thing happens in New York, both the scamming and the genuine danger. The woman could have been leading the man into bad territory himself, but he could only trust his instincts and hope that she wasn’t just very good at acting.

Twitter@WonderKing82 Source: Twitter@WonderKing82

The man was taken aback by his whole experience. He had been on his way to spend the evening hanging out with his friends, and couldn’t believe that something so shocking could be happening on the block he was walking through. The worst of it was, if the woman hadn’t dared approach him for help, her story could have ended very differently. Nobody would have even known she was in fear.

He was so concerned for the woman that the man offered her his number there and then, and let her know that she could use him for protection purposes whenever she needed. The woman thanked him and took him up on the offer.

A day later, the man posted to Twitter to say that he had checked up on the woman, and they had a deep conversation about what had happened that night.

Twitter@WonderKing82 Source: Twitter@WonderKing82

According to the woman, the man she hugged – the man who saved her – had the sort of friendly appearance that she knew she could trust. The other men around her looked too boisterous, and she didn’t want to get another woman into her situation. So she reached out to the man, a stranger, who was smiling at his phone at the time.

Twitter@WonderKing82 Source: Twitter@WonderKing82

As it turned out, the man works as a counselor for sexual abuse. Perhaps the woman sensed in some way that she had found the right person to help her.

Twitter@WonderKing82 Source: Twitter@WonderKing82

The man vowed that he would “do better” in the future because he hated the idea that women and girls lived in fear because of men.

Twitter@WonderKing82 Source: Twitter@WonderKing82

We think this anonymous man is incredible for stepping up to help a woman in need. He could have let his doubts overtake his instincts, but he didn’t. He made sure she was safe, and by doing that, he made the streets of NYC a safer place. Big respect to him.

Twitter@WonderKing82 Source: Twitter@WonderKing82

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Source: Twitter
