Expectant mother pregnant with twins finds out she’s pregnant with third baby 10 days later

Seeing those two red lines in your pregnancy test changes one’s life.

Being blessed and getting pregnant with twins is surely something to celebrate, but did you know that according to statistics, 1 in 250 natural pregnancies ends up being twins?

Charlotte was so happy when she found out that she was pregnant with twins, but soon after, everything changed.

Pexels / Georgia Maciel Source: Pexels / Georgia Maciel

When she went to her doctor, she found out that she was not just carrying two babies, but three.

How did this happen?

As it turns out, she naturally conceived a third baby just ten days after conceiving the twins.

Pexels/RODNAE Productions Source: Pexels/RODNAE Productions

It’s rare that you see a woman get pregnant while already pregnant, right?

Her condition was rare and everyone was thrilled with the miracle that they have given, but there was a problem.

Doctors talked to Charlotte about her unusual case.


Being at just less than 5 feet, her doctors were concerned that Charlotte won’t be able to carry her babies into full term.

They explained the risks and then offered her other options, one of which is selective reduction.

Doctors asked her if she would also agree to do genetic testing before proceeding with selective reduction.

TikTok Screenshot / tamingtriplets Source: TikTok Screenshot / tamingtriplets

Charlotte’s heart sank. She couldn’t bear to do this to her unborn babies.

She knew and understood the high risk of babies being born with developmental issues and cerebral palsy.

Charlotte and her partner talked about her case and they decided not to go through all the testing and the selective reduction.

TikTok Screenshot / tamingtriplets Source: TikTok Screenshot / tamingtriplets

In one of her TikTok videos, she explained they will do their best to be safe, and in any event that the kids would have any issues, their love for their children will never change.

Through social media, Charlotte shared her experiences of being a mom of triamniotic triplet pregnancy.

Charlotte’s account, Taming Triplets, showed everyone the reality of growing three babies inside of you.

TikTok Screenshot / tamingtriplets Source: TikTok Screenshot / tamingtriplets

The changes were overwhelming, and sometimes, she worries too, but overall, she was able to do her best.

In one of her posts, she said:

“Every week I get bigger I think ‘I can’t stretch anymore…’ and then I do!!! Women are warriors. I don’t know how I’m doing this.”

TikTok Screenshot / tamingtriplets Source: TikTok Screenshot / tamingtriplets

In a singleton pregnancy, a fetus would usually explore inside the womb and you’d feel the unborn baby kick and spread out. So can you imagine what it was like for Charlotte?

She explained that all three babies were fighting to have space in her tummy. One baby would rest against her bladder while the other baby would be close to her belly button. Don’t forget the third baby who loves to kick just under her ribs.

Since they conceived the third baby ten days after the twins, this means Charlotte has to separate due dates.

TikTok Screenshot / tamingtriplets Source: TikTok Screenshot / tamingtriplets

Soon, her social media accounts got many followers. People had been following her journey and were even excited about her giving birth, but then she stopped posting updates last March 24.

Everyone was worried. They all knew that her condition was risky, so can you imagine the happiness her fans felt when she posted about her successful delivery.

On April 6, the couple posted their birthing story.

TikTok Screenshot / tamingtriplets Source: TikTok Screenshot / tamingtriplets

She named her babies Georgina, Vivienne, and the smallest of the three, their fighter, Ivy.

In one of Charlotte’s posts, she described them as, “Georgina is our chill and happy baby that is 1 month ahead on social cues. Vivienne is feisty and emotional Tasmanian devil; she is one month ahead with her gross motor skills. Ivy is our sweet, strong girl that is always watching and learning from her sisters.”

TikTok Screenshot / tamingtriplets Source: TikTok Screenshot / tamingtriplets

Today, the girls are already really playful, smart, and beautiful, though Ivy just had her operation last two months ago. Even so, they are all thriving.

Looking back, Charlotte and her partner made the best decision of not giving up on their triplets.

Follow their fun and loving family on TikTok and Instagram.

Please SHARE this with your friends and family.

Source: TikTok – tamingtriplets, Instagram – tamingtriplets, Thetech
