Scrappy cat with a motor purr gets second chance thanks to one person who refused to give up

All cats are cute and adorable, but not all cats manage to find loving homes.

Why is that? Well, many of them have health issues that make them prone or vulnerable to illnesses, and that’s what keeps many people and families from adopting them. In some cases, there are lease restrictions that prevent tenants from having pets in their homes, so this is another possible explanation.

Unsplash/ Ramiz Dedaković Source: Unsplash/ Ramiz Dedaković

Unfortunately, for Bruce Willis the cat the above were both reasons for him not to be adopted for some time.

Mr. Willis was rescued by the Animal Humane Society last August. When they took him in from a Minnesota shelter, he was in a really bad condition; so much so that the staff didn’t know if he would make it.

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The AHS estimated that he had been living on the streets for roughly five or six years, and he had actually been through a lot over this time.

More specifically, he was found to have broken teeth and scars among other injuries.

“When Bruce Willis came to AHS as a stray, our vet staff was certain he’d lived a rough life on the streets. He had scars, broken teeth, an eye injury that hadn’t healed well, and he tested positive for FIV (Feline Immunodeficiency Virus),” the AHS posted on their Facebook page.

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Mr. Willis proved that he deserved his strong-as-an-ox name when, a few days with AHS he caught a cold, which would otherwise be easy to overcome, but given his compromised immune system, he didn’t really have the means to fight for his life as any other cat would be able to do.

During this time, his photos and stories had gone online, since the AHS posted about it, and one person, in particular, showed a special interest in him.

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Sandra knew this kitty needed help, while she also knew her lease didn’t allow her to bring any pets in the house- her landlord had been clear about it when she rented the place. Yet, Mr. Willis’ photos somehow invited her to go see him.

A couple of days later, she couldn’t help herself and she went over to the AHS and asked to see the struggling cat.

“The first visit,” Sandra wrote in an Instagram post. “I looked even sadder in real life than in the picture. A dog walked by and I got so scared, but I didn’t have any energy to even move.”

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It was a heartbreaking sight. Sandra knew she couldn’t abandon him, so she visited him again a few days later, and that’s when she realized that he really needed her. They had a special connection that urged her to return to the AHS every time and look for him.

And that’s when she decided to have a sincere chat with her landlord. She told him about Mr. Willis, she narrated his whole story and even showed him pictures of the sweet orange kitty.

That’s what it took to convince him. Her landlord decided to make an exception for this fighter and let him into the apartment.

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Sandra couldn’t be happier. Soon after that, she adopted Bruce Willis and the two of them have been inseparable since.

We are glad that Sandra and Bruce found each other and they are living proof that when you really set your mind to a goal, then you will achieve it!

You can watch their story in detail below.

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Source: Meow As Fluff, Instagram, Facebook
