Woman rescues half-bald, abused puppy – 3 months later she’s completely unrecognizable
A strong-willed puppy that almost lost all of her fur because of a skin disease now looks unrecognizable.
Veterinary assistant Jessie DeFreitas, 21, of West Sussex, has seen her fair share of animal skin conditions, but there was something about this case that made it close to her heart.
Jessie didn’t expect that she would fall in love when she first saw little Honey. At first, she couldn’t even believe her eyes- how such a small, helpless puppy can suffer so much.
Honey’s fur had almost fallen out due to a severe skin condition. She was small, and she was also in pain. What shocked her was the fact that Honey was brought to her office by her then-owners!
The first time she saw the poor puppy, Jessie’s heart was shattered. Honey was suffering from severe mange that caused most of her fur to fall out.
It was obvious that these owners didn’t even care for the poor puppy! They didn’t deserve her!
“Everyone at the vet knows I’m a huge animal lover. ‘When I was told we had a new dog, I had to see her. ‘She may have had mange, but she had beautiful eyes,” Jessie said in her interview with Metro.
If the pup was not transferred over to their care at that time, even just a few days of being late, she wouldn’t have survived. She was too fragile, and she needed round-the-clock care.
Jessie wanted to focus on her. That’s why she asked her mother if she could foster Honey.
Her mom, at first, was hesitant and asked Jessie if she could handle another responsibility. After all, she already had four cats and a dog at home, but Jessie was determined. She wanted to help Honey!
Honey’s eyes were beautiful, but they were sad.
A little puppy who should have been receiving kisses, hugs, and cuddles from her owners was left untreated, only to suffer from painful mange.
After Jessie’s request was approved, she brought Honey home and started showering the pup with love, cuddles, and kisses – everything she deserves!
Honey, at first, was uncertain about what was happening. So, the tiny, strong-willed pup started to play bite.
“When we first brought her home, she was a playful biter. Her original name, Honey, didn’t fit her at all. To me, Honey is sweet and she is not. My mum named her Terra with an ‘a’ because it fit her better – she can be a little terror,” Jessie shared.
Honey, now named Terra, started her journey to better health.
Everything was new to her! She learned how it feels like to be loved, how to play, and how to feel good!
Her treatment was successful, and soon, her fur started growing back. Her fur was smooth, beautiful, and soft! She changed from a sad puppy that was weak and almost bald to a beautiful princess!
“She’s recovered really well. You can see it in her eyes – she’s become happier and happier,” Jessie proudly said.
Look at Terra now! She’s gorgeous!
She will no longer remember the sadness that once filled her life. The pain that she used to feel, and the disappointment that she once knew.
Today, Terra is as playful as ever, she’s beautiful, confident, and knows that there are people who love her. Just look at her! She looks like a model, and we think she’ll soon be!
There is always hope, and as long as there is someone like Jessie who never gives up, then there’s a chance for us to make a huge change.
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Source: Metro, West Journal, Real Fix