Cat goes missing in 2010 – finally reunited with owner 10 years later

woman reunited with cat

When people lose an animal, it can be heartbreaking. Pets are many people’s best friends, so losing one can feel just as painful, if not more painful, than losing a human friend.

Ten years ago, Georgia Tsatsaris experienced that loss. Her beloved cat Mishka has disappeared from her home in Australia. She was in an outdoor enclosure when she got away one day.

Georgia probably thought her cat would eventually find her way back, but after time went by, that hope faded because she didn’t return.

woman reunited with cat
GoFundMe Source: GoFundMe

Georgia had just about given up hope when she got a phone call she never expected. A construction worker found a cat matching Mishka’s description. It seems Mishka was seen around a local construction project. The man took the cat to the vet.

Luckily, Mishka had a microchip and the vet was able to determine that she was Georgia’s long-lost cat. And when we mean long-lost, we mean long…it was ten years after all.

GoFundMe Source: GoFundMe

While Georgia was happy to finally be reunited with her cat, Mishka certainly wasn’t the cat she remembered. Mishka lost a lot of weight and had a respiratory infection. It had been a long and hard ten years for Mishka.

Georgia told the Herald Sun, “She doesn’t look anything like she used to and I couldn’t even pick her up, she was so emaciated.”

While Mishka wasn’t in the best health, she could still recognize her owner. She let out a long Meow when Georgia called out her name.

Georgia’s friend knew that Mishka’s road to recovery was going to be an expensive one. She was going to require 24-hour care to fight the infection. So, she started a GoFundMe page to cover her medical bills. Many people were touched by Mishka’s story and wanted to help.

GoFundMe Source: GoFundMe

Within a few days, they raised $2,700 for Mishka’s medical bills, far more than Georgia ever expected. Georgia and her friend who started the GoFundMe page were extremely grateful.

Her friend Helen Petsios shared this message on the GoFundMe page, “Hi everybody, I want to let you know we are touched by your generosity, kindness, and support. We are no longer accepting donations for now as Mishka’s vet bills have been met,” her friend, Helen Petsios, wrote. “We cannot thank you enough.”

The moral of this story is that you should never give up hope even when it’s lost and that you should never underestimate the generosity of strangers.

Although Georgia hadn’t seen Mishka for a while, she may have still had a glimmer of hope. Just as much as Georgia thought Mishka would never come back, she probably never imagined that people would donate more than enough money to cover her medical bills.

Besides donating, people also shared this inspirational messages on the GoFundMe page:

“Your story touched me, I hope Mishka gets well.” -Carol Yee

“Best wishes to you. Cats are great, Cheers.” -Richard Kostraby

Where there’s hope there’s kindness and where there’s hope there’s a cat you that’s missing for ten years!

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Source: The Animal Rescue Site
