Elderly woman’s life saved by loyal dog who got help from the garbageman

Dogs really are amazing in many different ways. They can be trained to help people with disabilities, they can work as therapy dogs for those who need them, and they provide companionship for so many people the world over.

Occasionally, they even save lives.

That’s what happened in this story involving an elderly woman and her faithful pet.

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Gwendola Johnson’s rescue dog saved her life.

The dog’s name is Sandy and he is very loyal to Gwendola. He owes her everything and never leaves her side. He would do anything to protect her.

One hot summer afternoon, Gwendola was outside when the 88-year-old tripped and fell. She was uninjured but also unable to get back up.

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Gwendola noticed a man walking up her driveway.

The elderly woman attempted to yell out to the man for help but he was unable to hear or see her. Gwendola told Sandy to go to the man for help.

“When I saw him, I said to Sandy, ‘You go get him,’ so he did,” she said.

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Kirk White is alerted to Gwendola’s situation.

The man works for Glendale Integrated Waste Management and was just along his usual route. He was on the driveway with Gwendola’s garbage bin when he saw Sandy acting unusual.

Normally, he would notice Sandy sitting in the window, but this time the dog was outside the house.

“This time she was sitting outside so I knew something was wrong,” White would later say.

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Sandy alerts Kirk that something is wrong.

Kirk would later say that Sandy was barking and it seemed like the dog wanted him to follow them to the backyard. So, that’s what he did.

That’s when he found Gwendola unable to get up in the backyard.

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“She was on the floor, unable to get up,” White said. “I know it was very hot that Friday… seeing someone in the sun, that wasn’t right at all.”

Kirk helped the elderly woman get back to her feet.

She was uninjured but had she been left in that position all day in the middle of summer, it could have been a dangerous situation for her.

Thankfully, Sandy and Kirk came to her rescue.

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Sandy is a hero.

Gwendola’s granddaughter would later watch the security cam footage of the incident. She was so proud of Sandy for doing whatever he could to get help for Gwendola.

“We all cried when we saw the video. Sandy did a good job,” Johnson’s granddaughter Cheryl Malvar said.

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Kirk is a hero, too.

Some people might have just brushed off Sandy’s behavior as nothing that concerns them, but Kirk took the time to investigate the situation.

“Kirk actually made an effort. Not everybody does. He investigated and he was aware enough to know it was off,” Malvar said of Kirk. “We love him. He’ll always have friends here.”

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Kirk would later say that the incident has made him consider getting a dog like Sandy.

“Just helping another human, that’s what we’re supposed to do. After this, I was thinking I want a dog like Sandy. We can learn something from animals.”

See Kirk and Sandy’s heroic effort in the video below!

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Source: NBCLA YouTube/KTLA5
