Woman sparks debate when she soaks a teen with water after he did the same thing to her cat

The boy was 13 but looked younger, and he was the cat’s neighbor. So should the owner have just told the kid’s parents?

It won’t come as a surprise for you to learn that people disagree online.

Flickr - Jooleeah_stahkey Source: Flickr - Jooleeah_stahkey

But one disagreement has revealed just how different our approaches to discipline really are. It all revolves around a cat, his owner and their neighbors’ child.

It began when a 13-year-old boy saw a cat sitting on a fence in his backyard in Edinburgh, UK.

Wikimedia - Edmunddantes Source: Wikimedia - Edmunddantes

The teenager knew that the cat belonged to his neighbor.

Then the boy walked up to the cat and threw a cup of water over him.

Flickr - Jared and Alexis Hofker Source: Flickr - Jared and Alexis Hofker

Naturally, the cat hated getting wet, hissed and ran off. The boy started laughing.

But what the boy didn’t know was that the cat’s owner, Shannon, was watching the whole thing.

So she filled up a large basin full of water and threw the water over him from a window.

The boy was absolutely covered in water.

Shannon believed that she had taught the kid a lesson. Then she picked up her cat and brought him inside to dry him off.

But then she heard an angry knocking at her door. The child’s father was there, and he was pissed.

Pixabay - Peterziegler Source: Pixabay - Peterziegler

Shannon didn’t give the dad any time of day initially. Instead, she posted about the series of events to her Twitter feed.

She was shocked when her tweet went viral (In that tweet, she mistakenly listed his age as 10 instead of 13.)

To date, it has gained over 600,000 likes. It also has more than 74,100 retweets and 4,500 comments. People have been divided in their responses. Some say that Shannon absolutely did the right thing in giving the boy a taste of his own medicine:

But others have criticized her strongly:

It is fair to say that both sides have a point here. Yes, perhaps Shannon’s reaction was a little strong. But then again, the boy was old enough to know that what he was doing was wrong.

Let’s face it, the boy is not going to have any long-lasting trauma from this event.

If the water that Shannon threw ower him had been boiling hot, or if the boy had been aged around five-years-old, then maybe her actions would have been plain wrong. But a 13-year-old boy should know to not harass an innocent animal, let alone their neighbor’s pet!

And despite the father’s initial reaction, it turns out that he agreed with Shannon.

Initially, the boy went to his father and only told him his side of the story, meaning that he omitted the part where he threw water on the cat to begin with. When the dad heard the truth, he completely agreed with Shannon.

Shannon also added that she and the dad are friends, and that the next day they were all laughing over the story.

So sure, if you think that Shannon was awful in teaching the boy a lesson, then that’s what you think. But the boy and the boy’s father both accepted it as right in the end.

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Source: Shannoncooperox, The Animal Rescue Site
