Woman is surprised to meet her cat’s new best “friend”


Cats have long been -partly- domesticated and they have been used to staying indoors with us, adjusting to our routines, and doing things the way we do them.

However, they have not gotten rid of all their habits from when they used to live in the wild and provide for themselves, while trying to stay safe from potential predators.

Unsplash/ Loan Source: Unsplash/ Loan

Cats, even family cats, still have the need to chase their prey, and they seem to have disconnected the food they receive in the house from the hunting activity that is necessary for their mental wellbeing. And this is just one of the habits they retain to this day.

Unlike what many people believe, cats are not unable to connect with others- they just look like that because the environments in which they live often do not allow for such interaction.

Unsplash/ Willian Justen de Vasconcellos Source: Unsplash/ Willian Justen de Vasconcellos

Cats even have imaginary friends, as odd as that may sound!

It would seem that they invent imaginary prey or anything similar, depending on their needs at any given moment.

Like our friend, Baby, a 10-year old cat. Baby is a wonderful kitty who was born without a tail, but she has lived for ten years a life full of joy and play.

Naturally, given her age, she has been more of a napper lately, as she enjoys laying on the couch probably dreaming of fish and mice! Of course, she doesn’t limit herself to the couch- she’s a cat after all! Baby always tries to find the best spots for napping, or rather, the most uncommon ones!

Ange Simmons via The Dodo Source: Ange Simmons via The Dodo

Apart from that, her second favorite thing is to play in the backyard. There, she also tries to find the best spots for her siesta, and she can often be found laying there in grace.

But something happened in Baby’s life recently that changed her routine a little.

About four months ago, Baby’s parents bought a decorative rock in the shape of a cat for their backyard. Of course, they had no idea how Baby would react to it or how it would make her feel. They weren’t even sure if she would recognize the cat shape or just be indifferent to it.

Ange Simmons via The Dodo Source: Ange Simmons via The Dodo

And then, the two of them met. Baby soon found out about the rock’s existence and it didn’t bother her the least bit. On the contrary, she completely fell in love with the rock cat!

Since then, she has been visiting the rock regularly, lying on it, snuggling with it, and napping by it.

“She sleeps by it every day,” Ange Simmons, Baby’s mom, told The Dodo.

Ange Simmons via The Dodo Source: Ange Simmons via The Dodo

Does this prove that a cat’s imagination has no limits? Does it suggest that the cat has recognized the cat shape on the rock and has invented an imaginary friend that looks like it? Well, we guess we will never know for sure, but the truth is that it is more than likely that something made Baby feel connected to the rock and safe next to it.

In any case, the kitty is super excited with her new friend and we are sure they will spend many happy years together! We bet Baby’s parents are also relieved that she liked the new addition and they won’t need to remove it any time soon!

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Source: The Dodo, Way of Cats
