Woman teaches puppy how to 'whisper bark' after neighbors complained about noise


Dogs 101.

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A dog barks because of many reasons, it’s their only way of expressing different emotions such as fear, anger, or excitement. Barking is also their defense mechanism against other animals or other dogs. Ultimately, dogs bark at their owners to get their attention when they feel bored or if they simply want to play.

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A dog’s bark can be louder than you could ever imagine and a loud dog doesn’t fit in well with every household, particularly those living in tight spaces or apartment complexes. Neighbors complain about a loud dog and that causes a lot of trouble for their owner, oftentimes and worst of them all – eviction!

Teach your dog not to bark.

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Is this even achievable? Isn’t it unfair? You are taking away a dog’s only way of communication. Well, this fun clip will teach all dog owners out there who want to train their pooches how to quietly bark or as described by the dog owner on the video – a ‘whisper bark.’

YouTube - Rumble Viral Source: YouTube - Rumble Viral

In a clip that’s just roughly 13 seconds long, a dog can be seen looking straight as its human mom watches close. The dog owner then said, “Go ‘whisper bark,'” to which the well-behaved dog responded with a mid-volume bark.

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But the woman said, “No. Quiet. Whisper,” it almost sounded like they’d been trying to perfect the ‘whisper bark’ prior to the video recording.

The adorable pup then went off with its funny version of ‘whisper bark.’

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The pooch did an undeniably quiet bark and the second try seemed to be a perfect one. The obedient doggo did another silent “woof” which the woman commended by saying, “Good job! That’s a better one.”

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As written in the video’s description, they were practicing the ‘whisper bark’ because of “angry” neighbors. Instead of teaching her dog not to bark at all, the witty dog owner thought of an alternative solution by teaching her dog to do quiet barks, isn’t that a smart idea?

YouTube - Rumble Viral Source: YouTube - Rumble Viral

In fact, praising a dog for something it did is actually a good training fundamental because it will make a dog think that it indeed did a good job. If praising them is religiously done, you’d soon notice that your dog will eventually make that “something” a habit even without you commanding them to do it.

The video attracted positive reactions from viewers, some of them even expressed their desire to teach their dogs the same.

One commenter wrote in the comments, “Love that! I lived in the middle of no where and taught my little guy to do that. To avoid alerting an intruder and he had a shattering bark. There were all sorts of critters roaming around outside and to be awakened like that was jarring to say the least. He picked it up after three soft ‘oooff’ sounds. And I always got up to check. And thanked him. Validates them. There were a couple of times the oooff made a big difference in the out comes.”

While another one wrote, “Oh my gosh, that’s hilarious. I need to teach my dog that; I jump out of my skin every time she barks at the squirrels through the window..”

If you want to have an idea of what a ‘whisper bark’ sounds like, then press the play button below.

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Source: The Animal Rescue Site, YouTube – Rumble Viral
