Disgruntled woman recorded verbally attacking army veteran for bringing dog into restaurant

A service animal can serve a variety of purposes, one of those which is acting as a comfort animal for veterans with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). So, when one veteran was confronted by an angry woman in a restaurant, things quickly got out of hand. Now, people are up in arms about the way the woman spoke to Army National Guard veteran Bill Austin.

Trying to enjoy a night out

YouTube/Inside Edition Source: YouTube/Inside Edition

Serving in Iraq and Afghanistan, the veteran was out with his wife and friends for a meal at Kathy’s Crab House in Delaware City, Delaware. With them was Austin’s service animal JP. As a service dog, JP helps keep Austin calm in social situations, such as eating out. The restaurant was obligated, for its part, must allow Austin’s service animal entry while he is there, according to the Americans with Disabilities Act.

Dealing with an angry customer

YouTube/Inside Edition Source: YouTube/Inside Edition

While at the restaurant, Austin is confronted by Ciara Miller. The incident is captured on camera with the video starting after Miller is already yelling at Austin for bringing hid service dog into the restaurant. Miller seems oblivious to the fact that Austin is entitled to have his service animal with him.

Miller was beyond reason

YouTube/Inside Edition Source: YouTube/Inside Edition

Other patrons in the restaurant come to Austin’s defense. For her part, she doesn’t want to hear it. When told JP is there to aid Austin, who served his country, she yells back, “Congratulations! So what? It’s still nasty to me.”

Austin was gracious in the face of the confrontation

YouTube/Inside Edition Source: YouTube/Inside Edition

Miller then left the restaurant but decided to come back and continue her argument. And while Miller was certainly entitled to her opinion, Austin was within his rights to have his service animal present.

Austin had this to say about the incident in an Inside Edition Interview, “My first reaction was making sure that nobody got hurt.”

Miller explains the reason for the outburst

YouTube/Inside Edition Source: YouTube/Inside Edition

Miller claims she got upset when the dog’s backside got to close to her as she ate her meal. Miller also claims that she was subjected to racial slurs, though both Austin and his wife, Janet, deny it.

According to Janet, “Nobody said anything racial. We had a mixed-race party in there.”

The law when it comes to service animals

Bill Austin via NBC Philadelphia Source: Bill Austin via NBC Philadelphia

What few may not know is that restaurant employees are prohibited from denying service to people with clearly marked service animals. If denied service, employees and restaurant owners can face legal woes. The only time staff can legally ask a service animal to leave a business is for one of the following reasons:

  • Aggressive behavior
  • Using the bathroom while in the property
  • Inappropriate barking
  • Unwanted attention toward other patrons
  • Eating off the floor or tables
  • Disruptive behavior

Furthermore, the restaurant staff can ask if the dog is a service animal but must accept the patron’s word for it if they say yes. Asking any further is against the law. Here is a video that shows the encounter and the woman’s rude behavior toward Austin and JP.

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Source: Inside Edition

H/T: I Love My Dog So Much
