Two women find out they are dating the same man then dump him to go on epic vacation together

What do you do when they find out that your boyfriend is dating another woman?

You ditch the man and take his other girlfriend on vacation with you.

At least, that’s what Faith Bistline did. She and her boyfriend had planned a trip to Costa Rica for her 30th birthday.

But she got a Facebook message that put a pin in that idea. The message showed a photo of her boyfriend and asked if Bistline and the man were romantically involved.

The messenger claimed that Bistline’s boyfriend had also been dating her friend, Emely Ortiz, for the last 10 months.

Bistline’s first reaction was that there had to be some kind of mistake. But her boyfriend’s silence said everything.

She sent him a screenshot of the message, and he ignored her and left her on read for the next two days.

Shoring after getting the Facebook message, Ortiz reached out to Bistline directly saying she had been dating her boyfriend for almost a year and thought that they were exclusive.

“I just want to know how long you guys have been dating for,” Ortiz asked. “Did he ever mention me to you, or you had no clue?”

Bistline explained that she never heard about Ortiz and that she had been dating her boyfriend, what she thought was exclusively, for a year and a half.

Bistline learned that Ortiz also worked in the healthcare industry in Las Vegas, just like their shared boyfriend did.

Bistline, who is a nurse, said she met her boyfriend through mutual friends. Ortiz met him at the clinic where she works as a medical assistant, and he has a residency.

While their “boyfriend” was ignoring the both of them Bistline and Ortiz were texting back and forth. They made sure to send photos to confirm it was the same guy.

As it turned out, he even met both of their families.

They dumped him and started to console each other. Apparently, he seemed very “unapologetic.” He didn’t respond to multiple requests from the press regarding his story. Bistline was lamenting over her trip to Costa Rica, which she already paid for, when she came up with a great idea.

“I struggled with deciding if I should cancel my trip or not, but decided to go anyway. I went out on a limb and decided to invite the other girl, and much to my surprise she said yes! We had the best time and were able to help each other process what tf had just happened to us,” she wrote on her Facebook page. “To top it off, this girl set up a birthday surprise for me on the last day and had everyone in the restaurant singing happy birthday to me (video at the end). I can’t say a man has ever done something like that for me before.”

Ortiz didn’t hesitate at saying “yes” to the trip at first. Her parents were actually worried for her safety on the trip.

“At first I was like, this girl is crazy,” Ortiz told The Washington Post. “But I just thought, it might be good for us to heal together because we’re the only two people who know what we went through.”

They walked through the jungle, waterfalls, and got to work through their feelings.

They also learned about the extent of their boyfriend’s lies.

“I guess he would pack my things up into a duffel bag, like the gym duffel bag, and put it in his closet,” Ortiz said. “And then when I came back, he would take out my things before I came over.”

So, the only “crazy” person in this situation turned about to be their boyfriend.

“The first thing he said was, ‘So I guess I have a little bit of explaining to do.’ And then he put this little, like, half-laugh emoji,” Bistline recalled. “That really rubbed me the wrong way. I’m like, ‘Is this funny to you?’ ”

They also learned that he regifted a Valentine’s Day basket Ortiz made to Bistline.

“He was super big on the fact that good and evil don’t exist,” she said. “And when things happen, it just is; it’s not bad, it’s not good. Now when I look at that, I’m like, oh my God, he’s trying to justify dating two women at the same time.”

But the was helpful in erasing a lot of bad feelings and learning a lot of lessons. Bistline, who already escaped a polygamous cult, says she doesn’t remember the last time she was that happy.

“Friendship is what’s going to carry you through everything,” Bistline said.

“Always listen to your intuition,” said Ortiz, who is now listed on Facebook as Katheryn Lainez.

Check out Bistline’s full Facebook post below.

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Source: The Washington Post, Faith Ameila, Bored Panda
