Guy won’t put out cigarette by gas pump so worker teaches him unforgettable lesson

Almost everyone knows that smoking at a gas pump is extremely dangerous.
Almost everyone, that is. The video here highlights one person who seemed completely oblivious to this fact.
Experts believe the reason people sometimes still smoke at gas pumps is because they aren’t as bright as those who know not to.
Large-scale studies on this topic have been labeled, “very unnecessary.”

Most people do not want to be set on fire or set others on fire
The vast majority of people prefer to not be set on fire.
They also don’t want their actions to result in other people being set on fire.
They will avoid situations that could potentially lead to anyone being ignited and/or engulfed in flames as a result.
One action that can potentially cause a fire is lighting up a cigarette around highly flammable materials.

The National Fire Protection Association would prefer that you do not smoke at gas stations
The National Fire Protection Association says there are approximately 5,000 gas station fires in the USA every year resulting in $20 million worth of property damage.
Two people are killed every year as a result as well.

Thankfully, most gas station attendants are aware of this danger and will act accordingly when needed.
The employee in this video took no chances and made sure that one customer’s negligent actions didn’t lead to anyone being hurt.

Gas station attendant puts out a customer’s cigarette
In security footage posted to YouTube, a young man in Sofia, Bulgaria is shown pulling into a gas station.
Although it is hard to make out at first, you can see he is dangling a cigarette in-between his fingers.

The young man appears to be having some type of dispute with a person outside the shot.
Another customer pulls up to the other pump and seems to ignore most of what is going on.

The gas station attendant asked the man to put out his cigarette
According to the channel that posted the video, the man was asked to put out his smoke several times by the attendant.
When the man didn’t listen, the employee did what he felt he had to do.
The attendant is shown casually preparing a fire extinguisher and then blasting the guy, his car, and most importantly, his cigarette.
It’s a tremendous scene. It seems unlikely that the man will ever decide to smoke at a gas pump again!

What happens when you smoke a cigarette at the gas pump
While the young man in the video was probably upset to have had the fire extinguisher emptied in his vehicle, things could have been much worse for him.
He could have set himself or someone else on fire.

If you ever find yourself at a gas station and an inconsiderate person sets you on fire, remember to stop, drop, roll, and then call for help.
Watch this gas station employee teach a customer not to smoke at the pump in the video below!
Please SHARE this with your friends and family.
Source: YouTube – Caters Clips, Gitnux