Photographer allowed to visit "world's most beautiful garden" while empty for first time ever in 71 years

There are some unique things happening across the world as things continue to stay closed, shut-down, and locked out. There have been a few benefits to this decreased movement and activity from the earth’s humans. Namely, pollution levels are incredibly low and there is an increase in wildlife activity!

One photographer had the incredible opportunity of photographing something never before seen.

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As people stay inside, there are some places in the world that have historically been swarmed with people that are currently empty. This can make for some unique photo opportunities that may never happen in our lifetime!

One of these places is called Keukenhof.

Keukenhof is a world-famous flower garden known for its tulips. Millions of people visit this garden each year, and for a good reason! It is known as “the most beautiful garden in the world”. While this is a subjective experience, it may just be true for you!

Albert, a Dutch photographer, had a once in a lifetime chance.

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Keukenhof was closed for the first time in 71 years as a response to the COVID-19 crisis. The gardeners are still busy keeping the place in shape but there are no tourists or visitors. This combo means the entire garden is in pristine condition and there are no people to mess it up!

Albert has been photographing tulips for years and decide to reach out to Keukenhof!

Instagram Source: Instagram

Getting permission to photograph the empty garden resulting in some of the most stunning pictures ever. The flowers had “popped” because the Netherlands had an incredibly sunny April.

Collaborating with Keukenhof, Albert’s portfolio was bolstered by some insane pictures of the beautiful garden.

Instagram Source: Instagram

More than a photographer, Albert truly enjoyed the moments he found himself in. He said:

Photographing in broad daylight with the strong sun was a challenge. But forget about the photography for a moment: walking around there all alone, with only the sounds of birds and the incredible smell of all these flowers, is an experience by itself. I sometimes just sat next to the flowers and the water, enjoying nature for 30 minutes long. It was just a magical experience.

Having an empty park allowed him to get some unique shots.

Since there was nobody to block shots or mess things up, there was an opportunity for Albert to get shots that he normally wouldn’t be able to. He said:

Having no people in the park allowed me to photograph paths and angles in a certain way that you normally don’t get to see because of the crowds.

You may recognize some of these landmarks in the photos.

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One of the most distinguishing features of Keukenhof is the windmill. They even moved the blades of the mill to a more “pleasing” position for Albert as he was taking photos!

With rare tulips, carpets of flowers, and Dutch bridges, this place is out of a fairy tale.

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After looking at some of the photos, you can’t help but feel it is all fake. The vibrancy of the flowers and the expert lines that creates the scenes are idyllic beyond belief.

Check out his Instagram below!

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As a real Dutch man, I am a big fan of our flowers. And as a landscape photographer, I enjoy our beautiful spring each year in which I always find time to photograph the flowers and show the beauty of the Dutch flowers to the whole world. Most of you probably know the world famous Keukenhof, the most beautiful tulip garden in the world. Every year millions of tourists visit this garden. Every year, a hard working crew makes sure the garden looks as good as ever, including this year! . This year is ‘special’. Keukenhof is closed, for the first time in 71 years. But that doesn’t mean there are no flowers. On the contrary; the flowers look incredible and get as much attention and care as always. All the passionate gardeners do their work as they’re used to. Because even without people, nature and the show of the garden goes on. . I’ve been photographing the tulips since forever, mostly on the countryside. I photographed them from all angles you can possibly imagine, but there was one thing that I still wanted to capture one time in my life: Keukenhof without any other people. This seemed impossible, until this year’s April 2020. With the COVID-19 virus keeping everyone at home and tourists away, I knew this was my only chance of making this happen. I contacted Keukenhof explaining what I had in mind and they were so kind to let me photograph the garden for a day. . When I visited the park it looked at its best. Interestingly enough, we have experienced the sunniest April EVER in the Netherlands, making all the flowers pop very fast. Photographing in broad daylight with the strong sun was a challenge. But forget about the photography for a moment: Walking around there all alone, with only the sounds of birds and the incredible smell of all these flowers, is an experience by itself. It was just a magical experience. Having no people in the park allowed me to photograph paths and angles in a certain way that you normally don’t get to see because of the crowds. . This photo series is an initiative from myself and @visitkeukenhof . #flowersofinstagram #flowerpower #keukenhofgardens #keukenhof #flowerphotography #thenetherlands

A post shared by Albert Dros (@albertdrosphotography) on

Source: Bored Panda, Instagram
