What it means if a dog has a yellow ribbon tied to its collar or harness

If you’ve ever seen a yellow ribbon around a dog’s collar or leash, you may have thought to yourself, “Wow, that’s a nice spring color.” If you didn’t know any better, that would be the end of the thought. As it turns out, there is a LOT more behind that cute color than you might think.


It all starts with the Yellow Dog Project.

Facebook - Yellow Dog Project Source: Facebook - Yellow Dog Project

The Yellow Dog Project is an educational movement that is all based around helping dogs and humans get along while in public spaces. The core of the movement is based on helping humans identify dogs that may not like or be ready to be touched quite yet.

Seeing a yellow leash or ribbon is probably a signifier that the owner is currently working with their dog.


When you see that yellow color, it’s a sign that the owner of the dog is currently working with their dog and an unwelcome touch or approach is likely to set the dog back in their training!

While you may think it means the dog is aggressive, it doesn’t always mean that.

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There could be a lot of reasons a dog isn’t able to be touched or petted at the moment. While aggression is one (especially common in rescue dogs from freshly abusive environments), it isn’t the only one. Other ones include a particular health issue or surgery a dog may have recently had, anxiety around strangers that could be induced by proximity, and more.

The ribbon isn’t an owner trying to be mean, it’s them trying to help protect their dog!


With a little bit of color, an owner can signify that the dog isn’t ready to deal with another person in the public space. It may seem like a letdown, but a lot of times it’s a really good thing! If an owner is actively working with their dog to get better with their anxiety or nervousness, you not petting them actually allows them to get better, faster!

Apart from the owner’s peace of mind, it’s helpful for the dogs, too.


You wouldn’t want someone walking up and triggering your own dogs or child’s anxiety by suddenly touching them, right? The same thing applies to someone else’s pup. With a little yellow ribbon, they can help manage their dog’s stress and protect strangers who aren’t fully aware of a particular dogs situation.

Facebook - Yellow Dog Project Source: Facebook - Yellow Dog Project

Now you know how to react the next time you see a dog with a ribbon!

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We should all be aware that walking up to a random dog and petting them isn’t the smartest idea. That same smarts should be applied to every dog we meet, truthfully. All a yellow ribbon does is let you know that a dog is currently undergoing some doggy training and right now isn’t the best time to mess with them! Most of the time, anyways, there are plenty of owners with dogs who would LOVE to have you play with their dog for a few minutes, all you need to do is ask!

If you want to learn more, check out the Yellow Dog Project on Facebook!

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Source: Facebook – Yellow Dog Project, The Yellow Dog Project
