Yorkie puppy attacks baby without remorse

Introducing a newborn baby to your dog isn’t easy. Even if your dog is the most behaved pooch, you’ll never know when it’s going to behave badly towards your child. This is why you have to be very careful about the process to ensure everyone’s safety.
One video of a Yorkie pup attacking a baby went viral online.

It has almost 15 million views and people who have seen it were left speechless. It’s something they won’t forget anytime soon.
The baby was sitting outside. He was on a blanket, enjoying the awesome weather outside.
Based on how he was behaving, he was just minding his own business. He wasn’t playing with any toy or with another person.
Then, an unexpected threat appeared.

The baby had no idea what was coming for him. He was too focused on the view in front of him.
A tiny Yorkie puppy came out of nowhere.
Its eyes were set on the baby. The frightening thing was that the baby wasn’t aware of the threat. He didn’t even know the danger that was about to approach him.
The puppy started inching his way closer to its victim.

First, the Yorkie puppy stalked the child. He was moving as if trying to gauge the best way to attack his unsuspecting victim.
The puppy attacked the innocent baby.

After jumping on the baby, the pup started nipping his leg. The little child was helpless and couldn’t even defend himself.
His mom didn’t move. She just continued to film the attack.
The puppy succeeded – the baby was knocked over and there was nothing else he could do but let the Yorkie do its thing.

It’s not what you think!
The pup started licking the baby’s face – showering him with endless kisses!
The puppy didn’t harm the child. He was actually trying to encourage the baby to play with him. Unfortunately, he was too young to understand what the puppy was trying to say.
The baby was supervised.
In fact, his parents witnessed everything. And like most of us, they were amused by what happened, too. Along with the video, the baby’s dad posted:
“Our innocent young son is savagely attacked by this bloodthirsty beast. The authorities are helpless against this menace. By the time the local PD showed up the miniature terror was on to it’s next victim. People I beg of you, don’t let this savagery continue. The Yorkie threat must be eliminated.”

Introducing your dog to your baby
Before the baby arrives, you need to start training your dog how to sit and stay. Once your dog masters that, you can move on to other commands, like “leave it”.
Then, introduce new experiences, smells, and sounds. Make sure to include baby oil, baby powder, and high chairs on your list.
Once the baby arrives, try to keep things normal at home. Don’t change the way you greet your dog and remain calm whenever you’re addressing it.
Before you actually introduce the two, allow your pooch to sniff your baby’s blanket. This way, it’ll be able to familiarize itself with his scent.
The baby and the puppy still have a long way to go.

They are bound to do a lot of things together. Soon, they’ll be an inseparable duo.
To witness this adorably “savage” Yorkie attack, watch the video below.
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