You can make a strawberry planter out of a laundry basket - here's how

If you’re looking to grow your own produce this year, strawberries are a great plant to start off with. Providing you keep them in a location that gets full sun, they’re easy to grow with relatively little maintenance.

We’re always fans of upcycling garden projects, and one of our favorites at the moment is this creative upcycled strawberry planter, made from an old laundry basket.

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If you’re keen to put your crafting skills to the test to make your very own laundry basket strawberry planter, here’s everything you need to know!

What you’ll need:

  • A plastic laundry hamper (the taller the better!)
  • A Burlap sack that will fit perfectly inside your hamper
  • Soil for potting
  • Small strawberry plants of your choice
  • Additional plants, such as pansies and other small flowering plants
  • A trowel
  • A pair of scissors

What to do:

1. Your first step is to use your scissors to punch several holes in the bottom of your laundry basket. This will act as drainage and prevent your strawberries from getting too soggy, which could cause them to rot. If scissors are proving too difficult for you, you might want to use a drill.

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2. Next, fit the burlap sack inside the laundry basket. It should fit perfectly from top to bottom (you can cut it if not). You need the burlap sack to hold the soil inside the basket and stop it from leaking out of the holes, but a plastic bag will do if you don’t have anything more suitable to hand.

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3. Now take your scissors and cut small holes in the burlap sack in the places where you plan to grow your strawberries. You don’t want to plant the strawberries in every one of your laundry basket’s holes, or the planter will get crowded, fast. Try to space your holes out evenly.

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4. If you plan to place your basket against a wall, make sure to leave one side bare of any holes. You might also want to avoid the bottom holes, as the plants could end up on the floor.

5. Insert your strawberry plants into the holes, pushing them in so that the roots and the base are inside the soil. You don’t need to push them in too deep – they’ll root themselves just fine.

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6. Add your filler plants to the top of your planter. Try to choose plants that will bloom throughout spring or summer, as this will give your basket the prettiest appearance. You might also choose to grow herbs here, too, if you’re looking to reap double the rewards.

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7. Put your planter into a location that gets plenty of sun, and be sure to water it regularly. Don’t overdo it, though – remember that strawberries don’t need too much water to keep them going!

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And that’s all there is to it! You now have to wait it out for your strawberry plants to grow. Your laundry basket planter will only look better with time, as your strawberries and other plants bloom and thrive. Even better, you can feel smug in the fact that by upcycling an old item from your home, you’ve helped to cut down on unnecessary waste. Good for you!

If you’re more of a visual learner, you can watch a video with detailed step-by-step instructions for making this planter below.

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Source: DIYncrafts, YouTube/ Garden Answer
