Blind 6-year-old melts hearts with "Bohemian Rhapsody" cover

There are a few songs that can get an entire room or crowd to sing together at a moment’s notice. Songs like “In The Air Tonight” by Phil Collins, “Sweet Caroline” by Neil Diamond, and “I will always love you” by Whitney Houston get the shyest of people standing up and belting out their favorite parts. One song that deserves a top spot among the world’s stage is “Bohemian Rhapsody” by Queen. Few songs perk up the ears when you hear the opening piano notes.

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An incredibly difficult song, this young boy takes on the challenge.

Avett Ray is a rather young kid with a talent for music. In this video, Ray plays with passion and charisma, showing that with enough dedication, you can do anything. The kicker? Avett Ray is blind.

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Opening up, Ray couldn’t be cuter if he tried.

As the video starts, Ray tells us what he is going to be doing today with the slightest of lisps, making a cute video even cuter. My first time watching this video, I was unprepared for what he actually did next.

While many videos bank of cuteness and not actual skill, Ray is a musician who knows what he is doing.

Hitting the opening notes sets the tone for the song. I realized Ray actually knew how to play right when he started. Many people would never even move forward with a difficult skill like playing the piano, especially someone who is visually impaired. Obviously, Ray had no qualms with proving people wrong. Reminding us of famous pianists like Ray Charles and Stevie Wonder, Avett Ray is filling big shoes already.

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More than just a pianist, Ray is a talented singer.

One of my favorite things about this video is the way that Ray tries to mimic Mercury. The dips and low parts in the original are present in Rays rendition. You can easily see that Ray has spent some time learning how to mimic someone he looks up to! He really gets into some of the famous parts and throws his head back at moments.

One of the more difficult pieces for Ray is called a “cross-over”.

When playing the keys, one of the moves that any good pianist has in their arsenal is called a cross-over. While one of your hands plays the leading lines, sometimes it is necessary to hit a higher or lower note than you can reach. If you need to reach a high note, you can simply use your left hand to reach over your right to hit the notes. It is a more advanced maneuver.

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What makes it especially difficult for Ray is that he must do it by sound.

When most people do a cross-over, they are jumping positions and need to look for the new note. For Ray, he has to essentially memorize the exact placement of every key and hit it with his free hand with no guiding keys. To attempt it is worthy, to manage it is excellent.

Passion is obviously the key to Ray’s talent.

Throughout the performance we see Ray singing with heart and getting his body into it. No stiff performances from him! It is easy to see how much he loves to perform and his desire to get better. Easily being one of the cutest videos I have seen, I give Ray a 10/10.

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Check out the video below to see him in action! I bet you will sing along!

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Source: Avett Ray, See it Live,
