Young boy risks his life protecting younger siblings from a vicious dog attack

One afternoon, sixth-grader Deacon Ashmore and his siblings were attacked by two dogs.

What he did next was nothing short of courageousness and heroism.

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12-year-old Deacon Ashmore and his siblings found themselves looking at menacing canines blocking their way.

The two vicious dogs lunged at his two little sisters, his little brother, and some other kids who were playing outside.

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Instead of running away, Deacon put himself in between his siblings and the dogs so that the kids can have a chance to run. In turn, Deacon was attacked and bit.

He told the Detroit Free Press:

“I kinda held off the dogs a bit”

But he did more than just that.

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In a flight or fight moment, Deacon chose to fight off the dogs with little regard for his own safety.

He did so only considering his siblings, even if it meant that he’s going to get hurt.

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As his siblings ran inside, Ashmore could only watch in horror when one of the dogs sank its teeth into his left calf.

It tore through his muscles and left him bleeding profusely.

After screaming “Bad dog! Bad dog!”, Deacon managed to free himself and limped away to safety.

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Deacon was adopted from Ethiopia when he was still a baby.

But even so, it didn’t stop him from loving his adopted family selflessly and without hesitation. His mother shared with the Detroit Free Press that even during the ordeal, Deacon’s only concern was his siblings, especially his little brother, Kingston, who was five at that time.

His dad Peter shared that when Deacon was rushed to the hospital he kept on asking if his little brother is okay.

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He also asked how his mom and sisters were even if he’s the one bleeding.

As the community lauded Deacon’s heroism, his mother Elisabeth said that he never thought of himself like that.

He just thinks that anybody would’ve done the same.

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Elisabeth shared with the Detroit Free Press:

“For him, it wasn’t a second thought, that’s the kind of big brother he is.”

For his admirable act, Deacon had to endure a surgery where they had to fix his tendons, ligaments, and muscles that the dog ripped apart. He was released the next day when he recovered.

His road to recovery is long and costly.

While the surgery is done, Deacon would have to undergo physical therapy so he can recover properly.

However, the community never made them feel alone during the entire ordeal. A member of their church, Clete Bontrager, set up a GoFundMe page for Deacon so they could collect funds for his treatment.

On the page, Bontrager wrote:

“Many of you know Deacon Ashmore as a great young man! Deacon proved that Monday evening. His leg was mauled by a dog while playing outside with his siblings. Deacon stepped between the two dogs and his siblings so they could run to the house, but in doing so had his leg badly mangled.”

The page has since achieved its goal.

Deacon’s heroic act is a prime example of how love knows no bounds, whether by blood or not.

And while his leg bears the scar of this traumatic experience, he still smiles widely knowing that his family is safe and happy.

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Watch Deacon’s inspirational story of selfless love by clicking on the video below.

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Source: YouTube – FOX 2 Detroit, People, People, GoFundMe, Instagram – metrodetroitnews
