Young boy with the cutest Southern accent asks his granny “I’m poor, ain’t I?”

Kids say the darndest things. Yes, they do.

Pexels - Keira Burton Source: Pexels - Keira Burton

We might often see them as tiny humans who walk weirdly and talk gibberish.

Yes, they are THAT, too, but we can’t dismiss that they sometimes say things that make a lot of sense. It’s like adults in a little person’s body!

Jake Boone earned millions of views because he sounds like an adult Southern man.

YouTube Screenshot - Life According to Jake Boone Source: YouTube Screenshot - Life According to Jake Boone

His journey to internet stardom started when he was only six years old when his mom submitted a video of him as an entry to America’s Funniest Home Videos.

It was shot not for that intent, just for some pure family fun.

What they didn’t know was it was the video that would skyrocket their son’s early “career.”

His video won first place and earned him a whopping $10,000.

YouTube Screenshot - Life According to Jake Boone Source: YouTube Screenshot - Life According to Jake Boone

But the fame didn’t change Jake a bit. He is still this innocent kid from Edmonson County who goes about his grandparents’ farm with that thick Southern accent.

Jake’s grandmother, which he fondly called ‘Grammy,’ started a YouTube Channel for him.

Facebook - Life According to Jake Boone Source: Facebook - Life According to Jake Boone

“Life According to Jake Boone” is filled with his videos shot by Tammy’ Grammy’ Ashley and all his six-year-old glory.

The videos were just him talking to his Grammy about farm life, chores, and whatnot.

But what stands out from his videos is his wisdom – and, yes, his accent; all these make him sound like an adult man in a little boy’s body.

This video is one of his most popular musings on the internet.

Facebook - Life According to Jake Boone Source: Facebook - Life According to Jake Boone

It was one of those mornings when Jake and his Grammy shared a conversation by the dining table.

The little guy started talking about moving the hay and that his Pappy would do it. He got a bigger truck, anyway.

From that thought, Jake started comparing his truck with Pappy’s.

Facebook - Life According to Jake Boone Source: Facebook - Life According to Jake Boone

Yes, you read that right. Jake has a flatbed truck that allows him to help around the farm – with adult supervision, of course.

However, he realized Pappy had two! In this young boy’s mind, two trucks would mean his Pappy spent more. This made him say in exasperation…

“I’m poor, ain’t I?” he said, making his Grammy chuckle.

YouTube Screenshot - Life According to Jake Boone Source: YouTube Screenshot - Life According to Jake Boone

Who wouldn’t giggle at that thought, right? Here you see a young boy, not old enough to hold money or property, yet there he was, thinking he was poor because he only had one truck!

However, he took those words back, saying, “No, I’m not poor.”

YouTube Screenshot - Life According to Jake Boone Source: YouTube Screenshot - Life According to Jake Boone

His Grammy agreed. She said and wrote in the video description that Jake is not poor. He is rich in love, and that’s what matters.

And in every video on his YouTube Channel, you can see a child growing up in a happy environment with lots of love from his family. So, yeah, he is rich!

His mother, Chrystal Logsdon, didn’t expect Jake’s videos to go viral.

Facebook - Life According to Jake Boone Source: Facebook - Life According to Jake Boone

“He’s like an old person in a little person’s body. He says some of the funniest things. And he’s really a sweet kid. He has a good heart,” she told WBKO.

Want to brighten your day? Watch Jake’s video below!

Source: Life According to Jake Boone YouTube Channel, Life According to Jake Boone Facebook Page, WBKO
