Young genius aims to show Stephen Hawking isn’t correct about God with compelling theory

One of the most controversial topics that always sparks debate is whether God truly exists.

Scientists are proving that there is an explanation for everything that has happened and how the universe was created. Some do not believe this at all because they are faithful that God is alive and existing and that He creates everything.

Pexels - Sam Kolder Source: Pexels - Sam Kolder

Out of the many scientists who have proclaimed that God is non-existent, one of the most popular would probably be Stephen Hawking.

In Hawking’s theory he proclaimed:

“Before we understood science, it was natural to believe that God created the universe, but now, science offers a more convincing explanation. What I meant by ‘we would know the mind of God’ is we would know everything that God would know if there was a God, but there isn’t. I’m an atheist.”

Wikipedia FR, Public Domain/2010 Source: Wikipedia FR, Public Domain/2010

While some people might agree with him, there are quite a number of people who do not agree with this man of science.

Many of us believe that God is real and He exists.

Firm believers of God are opposed to Stephen Hawking’s theory and just recently, a boy has started to question the renowned scientist’s view about God.

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This brave young man is an 11-year-old boy who was confirmed to be a genius. He believes that God Almighty is real, and he has an explanation for why.

But, first, let’s meet this courageous boy.

William Maillis is ready to poke holes in Stephen hawking’s theory with his own explanation.

Now, William is not an ordinary boy. He is a genius, and this was confirmed by Joanne Ruthsatz, an Ohio State University psychologist. At only nine years old, the boy already finished high school.

He was only five years of age when he read a full 209-page geometry book in a single night. He was able to solve circumference problems and eventually, he also discovered that God does exist.

The boy is a genius and also the son of a pastor.

He shared his explanation of why God exists:

“We know the universe has an age, right? 13.8 billion years. So, 13.8 billion years ago, the entire universe was reduced to a singularity, a particle smaller than a quark,” he says.

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He adds more information behind his argument:

“However, if gravity is always working, i.e.: if you jumped off this building, you’re not going to fall 15 seconds later, you’re going to fall immediately, so, if gravity was always working, and the singularity was always there […] then the universe should have no age, it should be infinitely old. But it’s not, it’s 13.8 billion years old.

And then, he gives an incredible truth that we all somehow know and believe:

“And something can’t come from nothing, because it would have to exist in order to cause itself to exist, which is illogical. So, therefore, something other must have created the singularity, and that something other me observe as God.”

William is firm in his belief that the powerful force behind the universe’s creation is God.

Unsplash - Aaron Burden Source: Unsplash - Aaron Burden

Nothing would exist without a force that creates it, and that being is none other than the Almighty God. The young genius wants to work on his theory even more and dreams of becoming an astrophysicist someday.

“I want to be an astrophysicist so that I can prove to the scientific world that God does exist,” he shared in an interview with HCHCMedia.

William may seem too far advanced for his age, but his family particularly his father tells everyone that he is just like any other regular boy. He also loves to have fun by playing video games and sports.

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Learn more about this genius boy’s theory about God by watching the video below!

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Source: HCHCMedia, The Science Times, Featured Image: HCHC Media, Tengyart
