12 bad designs that should have been trashed immediately


Let’s take a moment to appreciate just how difficult the design process really is. Not only have you got to create a concept that sounds good on paper, this concept must then live out its expectations in real life.

Unsurprisingly, designing something, whether it’s a business concept or a simple drawing, doesn’t always end happily. Here are 12 of the worst designs to ever see the light of the day.

1. This counting issue

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Unless we’re very much mistaken, there are not, in fact, 5 bananas on this page. Was the designer half asleep when they drew this up? And who gave it the go-ahead to be printed?! It’s basic math, people.

2. This backside conundrum

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We’re not sure Kleenex intended their kiddie-friendly tissue boxes to look like such a joke while in use. Who failed to notice that the tissues came directly out of Spiderman’s backside? Or was this actually deliberate? We’ll never know.

3. This awkward dog

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Surely someone would have linked the unfortunate placement of these kids’ hands with the dog’s questionable expression and amended this design before it was too late. If the hands were just a touch to the south, or a different shade, perhaps that would be acceptable.

4. This bizarre way to hold an ice cream

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See the guy on the left? We have never in our lives seen someone holding an ice cream so bizarrely. We think this was probably the photographer experimenting with different styles, but an ice cream is an ice cream – you either hold it by the stick or make a huge mess.

5. This case of mixed signals

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The very job of this ashtray is to hold cigarette ash, so the “no smoking” sticker is slightly confusing to say the least. Can you smoke in the vicinity of this sign or not? Life is complicated enough without misleading ashtrays adding to the mix.

6. This attempt at education

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What on earth happened here? Are we missing something? As far as we knew, leopard began with an “L”. This is another design fail that leaves you asking how in the world it made it to publication without anyone realizing the mistake.

7. This totally confused cere-bleach

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It takes several seconds of focused staring to realize that this box of cereal is in fact bleach. Now that would be a nasty mistake to make if you were to absent-mindely pour it into your breakfast bowl.

8. This chilling message

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There are certain occasions when an advertising sign should never be cut into two, and this is one of them. We’re think we’d rather “live for failure”, thanks.

9. These poor babies

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Okay, this Pampers swaddlers box design is pretty amusing, but really? With just a tiny bit more thought, these babies wouldn’t look like they were being impaled by their own diapers.

10. This fine fart

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We’d like to know what separates a fine fart from a fairly average fart, please. Whoever decided to make the “F” in this design so large should have probably reconsidered before it was too late.

11. This poor newspaper placement

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It’s only when you read the story that you discover the grisly images of a man with a red-splattered face refer to an innocent blueberry pie-eating contest, and not the “second-degree murder charge” headline directly above. Terrible picture placement.

12. This interesting pencil

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We sort of get what the designer was going for here, but… no. Even to kids, this image is creepy and disturbing. He should have at least had the point at his head area. We dread to think what other artwork is on this wall.

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