12 wholesome Christmas posts that will restore your faith in humanity

Christmas is one of those Holidays that we want to spend surrounded by our loved ones, exchanging wishes and gifts, celebrating that we are all together in the warmth of our homes.

However, not all people out there are that lucky. For some Christmas holds a much more important meaning as it brings up past memories, or it is associated with people no longer here.

So, here you will find 12 amazing and wholesome presents that will make you believe in the Christmas Spirit and in humanity once more!

1. A Remembrance Christmas Tree

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This is one of those that might actually make you cry! This mother decorated her Christmas tree with sunflowers in remembrance of her young daughter who died in April and she used to love these flowers. What a better way to keep her always in your heart and mind!

2. Neighborly Love

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Isn’t it nice to be appreciated and loved, especially by people that you really don’t know? This UPS driver used to deliver around 200 parcels per day throughout the lockdowns and the holidays. So, this week hundreds of neighbors accumulated in the street to give him a Hero’s Salute. Such a beautiful gesture that brought the man in tears!

3. Christmas Spirit

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What a better way to celebrate Christmas than giving back to those in need. Isn’t this what the Christmas Spirit is all about? This man/ woman decided to do something nice for her fellow homeless citizens, he/ she put together 25 Backpack Care Kits that would help those sleeping in the streets. What a beautiful initiative just on time for the Holidays!

4. Christmas Miracle

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This young woman came back home a survivor after an excruciating battle against cancer, she was finally able to celebrate Christmas, chemo free. Let’s hope that this will be just one of the many Christmases she has yet to enjoy!

5. Just on time for Christmas

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This man needed to be hospitalized just before Christmas, so his family didn’t know if he would make it back for Christmas or in general. Imagine their joy when not only came back home strong and healthy but he even slow-danced with his wife, “I’ll Be Home For Christmas” on Christmas Day!

6. Best Buddy

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This ICU nurse is celebrating Christmas with her best friend at her side. In 2017, she escaped an abusive husband and she got this dog to help her get through all her difficulties and illnesses. This Christmas, after a long battle against COVID in the hospital she has been working, she can finally enjoy her holidays with Charlie at her side, looking more festive than ever!

7. Best Christmas Present Ever

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Alzheimer’s is such a difficult disease not only for the patient but for all those around him. This dad received a beautiful present from his child, a cute little dog to keep him company. The dad was so happy that said, “I Know I’m Going To Forget A Lot, But I’m Going To Remember This Dog For A Long Time”.

8. Christmas Surprise

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These two had a special delivery from Santa hiding in the boot of their car! You can imagine of course their surprise and then joy when their military son came home for Christmas. There isn’t really a better present for the parents than having your child back home with you alive and healthy!

9. Best Uncle in the World

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You can imagine his pride and joy as this man holds his newborn niece in his arms. His happiness is really obvious. It’s certain that he will make an awesome uncle for this little girl!

10. Special Christmas Tree

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This Christmas tree holds a very significant meaning for the people in the house. This is the first Christmas tree that a mother and a son have seen in years as until last year they were living with an abusive man who hated everything festive. It’s a wonderful way to celebrate their freedom and Christmas, isn’t it?

11. A Christmas Stray

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It’s not easy living in the streets even if you are a cat. I think little Hiccup here has all those scars to testify how brave he was and what a survivor he has been! Thankfully, a loving couple found him and decided to adopt him just on time for Christmas! Now, this beautiful fellow will be safe and loved.

12. Welcome to the Family

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What a better present to give a new member of a family than his own Christmas stocking? This man must have been thrilled to receive his own Christmas sock as a welcome present to the family by his wife’s grandmother.

What Wholesome present did you make this Christmas to your friends and family? Even the smallest gift or gesture can hold so much love and meaning that is exactly what Christmas is all about!

Please SHARE this with your friends and family.

Source: BoredPanda
