20 clothing designs that shouldn’t have made it past the drawing board

We’ve all had our moments when we realized that a shirt or other garment was a little inappropriate or didn’t fit quite right. In many cases, it is just a simple mistake on the manufacturer’s part, but sometimes you have to wonder if it was intentional all along.

Here are some prime examples of clothing mistakes that were caught just a little too late.

1. Not even close

Reddit – nvernon123 Source: Reddit – nvernon123

Whoever made this shirt probably failed world geography. At least they got the first letter right.

2. Atomic wedgie

Reddit – kdman3 Source: Reddit – kdman3

Why does it look like this man is walking around with a giant wedgie? He could at least not tuck his shirt into his pants.

3. Clothing for kids?

Instagram – kal.el.80 Source: Instagram – kal.el.80

While I think this is supposed to be a rocket ship, the design seems a little off. At least the kids who wear it will have no idea what it is.

4. Odd looks

Reddit – Funny Source: Reddit – Funny

This man knew something was up by the way everyone kept staring at him. Little did he know, he had a tiny Will Ferrell peeking out from his shirt.

5. Wordplay

Reddit – Sphinx74 Source: Reddit – Sphinx74

Pronounced “fuh” in English, the Pho in the name of the Pho King restaurant makes for an interesting employee t-shirt. This t-shirt is a great example of exactly how you can play off of the restaurant’s unique name.

6. Worrywart

Reddit – zapsquad Source: Reddit – zapsquad

According to this shirt, “Don’t Be Happy, worry.” Then again, this would be a great shirt for a pessimist.

7. Summer dress gone wrong

Imgur Source: Imgur

This woman’s mom was wearing this particular dress for years. It wasn’t until her daughter looked closer that she realized what was depicted on the sundress.

8. Pink flamingos

Reddit – afaintsmellofcurry Source: Reddit – afaintsmellofcurry

While this pair of pants does depict flamingos in all of their pink glory, if you look a little closer, you’ll see something else entirely.

9. Button-down shirt

Imgur Source: Imgur

This man received a gift from his mom that she bought for him while on an overseas trip. Imagine his surprise when he looked a little closer at what was actually on the shirt.

10. An accident in the making

Reddit – GallowBoob Source: Reddit – GallowBoob

While probably not the makers’ intention, the red on this dress is certainly placed in a bad spot. It almost looks like a little bad planning on the part of the dress wearer.

11. Stop believing!

Reddit – SMallery Source: Reddit – SMallery

Here’s another shirt with a not quite inspiring message. It almost looks like the shirt is telling you not to believe in yourself.

12. Leaning Tower

Reddit – TrollXChromosomes Source: Reddit – TrollXChromosomes

Whoever designed these pants must have been thinking of something else while doing so. The placement seems a little too perfect.

13. Shirt pants

Reddit – waskonator Source: Reddit – waskonator

The biggest question is how do you wear this outfit? Either someone really messed up the pockets or whoever this was meant for is very short.

14. At a loss for words

Reddit – iEuphoria Source: Reddit – iEuphoria

Maybe the shirt manufacturers meant to say fist-bumping? Regardless, the bigger question is, how many people ended up buying the shirt without even realizing it.

15. Too much detail

Imgur Source: Imgur

Definitely not a shirt you would wear around family. You would probably almost miss that little bit of detail, at least until your mom asked you what was on the unicorn’s stomach.

16. I see you

Daily Mail Source: Daily Mail

Imagine such a cute thing peeking out from your private area. At the very least it should get a few laughs.

17. Mr. Long Sleeves

Reddit – regarfarmer Source: Reddit – regarfarmer

It is important to get the correct measurements when buying a dress shirt. While the shirt fits fine in most places, those sleeves need a little work.

18. All in the advertising

Imgur Source: Imgur

When the managers of this pub wanted to encourage their customers to try an ale, they probably had no idea where it would lead. Keeping calm would be the last of my worries in such a situation.

19. Grandma’s mistake

Reddit – getstereohyped Source: Reddit – getstereohyped

This man’s grandma got him this shirt while in Hawaii. And while at first, it might seem like a mistake, chances are, Grandma, who would have been in her 30s during the 1960s, knew exactly what she was doing.

20. Misplaced letters

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Reddit – chonnes Source: Reddit – chonnes

All it takes is a totally innocent letter misplacement and the whole meaning of a shirt can take on a different meaning. Hopefully, these weren’t shirts for a local sports team.

H/T: Bored Panda, Shareably
