20 funny messages with neighbors from hell that will make people appreciate their communities
In a perfect world, all neighbors would get along, and domestic life would be one big party. Sadly, we don’t live in a perfect world. But at least we don’t live next to THESE neighbors.
People disagree with one another all the time. It’s a natural part of society. Most of us are mature enough to work through our differences and find a compromise. Most of us, but not all.
If you’ve ever had a bitter dispute with a neighbor, you’ll know how quickly things can escalate. But was your dispute anywhere near as bad as these 20 nightmare scenarios?
1. Why fight over wi-fi theft?
That beer should make up for slowing down the neighbor’s internet for the last 12 months.
2. The cat is the real winner in this story
How many 911 calls are made over disputed cat owernship every year?
3. Penile parking predicament
So just to be clear, does the writer of this note pay for the parking spot? They should make that more obvious.
4. If only there was some kind of a store that sold milk
Just think, this milk store could sell other essential items as well, like toilet paper and food. One day, it’ll happen.
5. A case worthy of Sherlock Holmes
You know what kind of person calls someone else a psychopath? Someone in denial about being a trash can stealing psychopath!
6. Every time she goes out for brunch, this happens
Perhaps she wants to be invited to brunch too? Perhaps there is no car alarm?
7. A parting gift
It’s almost like it was a big deal after all.
8. $20 and some food? Would you be tempted?
It’s awkward now and every time they see each other from now on.
9. This is how you get ahead in the world of business
There is a block button on LinkedIn. Easy solution right there.
10. Hallmark could make a fortune on, “I’m sorry I called the cops on you,” cards
So I’m guessing they’re not still cool?
11. Are these the same people as the last one?
Why is anyone stupid enough to work when they could just get a trust fund?
12. He sounds like a catch
As the girlfriend blames Megan right away, it seems like she’s a good match for her boyfriend.
13. This neighbor’s worst enemy is herself
Does she live in apartment AA?
14. There are two neighbors in the world with trash boyfriends? What are the odds of that happening?
If there’s one thing men love, it’s asking invasive questions about women’s bodies.
15. Poor Greg
Time to start a petition for people who like Greg and find him interesting.
16. Third time’s a charm
The best thing is he isn’t pushy or controlling at all!
17. Why not adopt him yourself?
You can name him Rabies.
18. What goes around comes around
Do the dogs get along at least?
19. How long did the game go on for?
The fun never stops at this building.
20. You can sympathize with both
Just imagine being in coronavirus lockdown and hearing this every day.
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Source: Bored Panda, Instagram,