20 quirky dogs that have picked up some extraordinary new habits

You can teach a dog (young or old) all sorts of tricks. But they can also learn new things on their own – weird ones.

These 20 dogs have some really strange habits that we’ve never quite seen before. And nearly all of them made us laugh at these quirky little creatures.

Have you ever seen a dog do these things?

1. Foot fetish

This person posted quite a few photos of her friend’s dog sucking its foot.

And, oddly enough, all commenters could do was talk about how much dog feet smell like corn chips.

So maybe he’s just snacking?

itsjustjollyranchers/Imgur Source: itsjustjollyranchers/Imgur

2. Hot-tubbing

We are so down with this.

If mom or dad is going to go into the air-conditioned store, you should be allowed to keep yourself cool by any means necessary, little pooch.

Someone bring this dog an umbrella drink!

sheldonpooper/Reddit Source: sheldonpooper/Reddit

3. Giving swirlies

Ah, puppies. They are all sorts of trouble.

These little rascals look like they want to know more about the toilet but picked the weakest link to do the real discovery.

We bet he or she got them back later.

DJM30w/Reddit Source: DJM30w/Reddit

4. Butt-warming

It’s not just chestnuts roasting by that open fire!

Hey, we’re not gonna lie, this doesn’t seem like the worst idea – it just looks funny.

We hope he’s comfy!

cookingncleaning/Reddit Source: cookingncleaning/Reddit

5. Tree-climbing

Bella here enjoys climbing trees. You know, because that’s convenient.

Do you think she’ll learn her lesson eventually? She looks like she’s enjoying the view at least!

caffeine_cat/Reddit Source: caffeine_cat/Reddit

6. Sitting like this

Ok, well, we’re not sure what’s going on here OR what’s happening on the TV.

We honestly didn’t know dogs enjoyed kneeling, but maybe he’s just trying to cool off his body on the leather?

kyrie-eleison/Reddit Source: kyrie-eleison/Reddit

7. Hanging out in the toilet

Oh, lovely.

I guess everyone will be leaving the toilet closed in this house until the pup no longer fits in the bowl.

He looks so pleased with himself though, like he wants to say “hey, mom, did you know we had a pool?!”

Kona_Dlite/Reddit Source: Kona_Dlite/Reddit

8. Using the toilet as storage

What’s worse, finding your dog or your stuff in the toilet?

Ok, it’s the latter.

Technically, the water is clean, but unless you’ve disinfected that bowl the moment before this happened there are still going to be bacteria.

Let’s hope he didn’t “store” anything expensive in there.

chiablo/Reddit Source: chiablo/Reddit

9. Sleeping on other dogs

We like this pup’s style. It doesn’t want to sleep on the hard, dirty ground.

It knows it deserves better!

Reddit Source: Reddit

10. Eating rainbows

It’s adorable and inexplicable.

If dogs can’t really see color then we imagine it just saw the light twinkling and thought it was alive.

OR, it’s trying to find the gold at the end – in which case we have bad news.

@kierstannamber/Twitter Source: @kierstannamber/Twitter

11. Jumping in the bath

Such privacy! So clean!

Isn’t it wonderful when you get a few luxurious moments to yourself?

Ok, maybe some people would actually enjoy this. The dog sure looks happy as a clam!

kristina_grocz/Instagram Source: kristina_grocz/Instagram

12. Doing somersaults on the trampoline

Well, we didn’t have that one on our BINGO card.

We knew some dogs learned to jump on these, but this dog prefers something a little more daring.

He’s pretty sprightly for a bulldog!

13. Sunbathing

Dogs can actually get sunburns, but you’d hope they’d be smart enough not to do this for too long.

We know they love their warmth, but we didn’t know they cared about getting an even tan.

harenj/Reddit Source: harenj/Reddit

14. Sitting at the table

This pooch looks like it’s waiting for its friends to show up for a game of cards.

Or maybe it’s just out there pouting that there’s snow on the ground and it was left outside.

Either way, it sure knows how to make use of that patio furniture.

one_warm_line/Reddit Source: one_warm_line/Reddit

15. Getting a mud wrap

Spa day!

We really hope this little dog’s fur is shiny and soft after this body treatment.

But did it have to get mud in its eyes?!

vstraong50/Reddit Source: vstraong50/Reddit

16. Smoking a pipe

Smoking does not make you look cool. Unless you’re a dog. With a pipe.

Only under those circumstances.

Orpheo1/Reddit Source: Orpheo1/Reddit

17. Dog-riding

We don’t know what to say. It’s very circus-y.

That poor bottom dog though…he looks so miserable.

stagemaestro/Reddit Source: stagemaestro/Reddit

18. Balloon-carrying

After popping one, you’d think this dog would stay away from balloons altogether.

But apparently it has now challenged itself to simply carrying them around very gently – for fun.

krishanmajumder/Imgur Source: krishanmajumder/Imgur

19. Balancing on their two FRONT paws

Wait, is that dog peeing?

Has it seen a vet?

We’re so confused. That’s a lot of effort and balance.

2o. Whatever is going on here

We got a good laugh at the lengths – quite literally – this dog would go to in order to get some milk.

At least he’s got a spotter.

Draxan/Reddit Source: Draxan/Reddit


Our pups are so weird sometimes!

But, let’s face it, it’s all part of their charm.

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