Adorable police K-9 “ruins” staff photo-op with partner by smothering him with love
It doesn’t matter if your dog’s a working dog, service animal, therapy dog, or just a plain ol’ pet. When they love their owners, they are going to let it show. This is a little fact that Indiana’s Department of Natural Resources (DNR) Conservation Officer, Levi Knach, just learned for himself after trying to get a decent photo with his police K-9, Kenobi.
Kenobi isn’t just Knach’s K-9 partner, though.
Knach is Kobi’s human in all respects of the word, and just like any loyal K-9 with their human, Kenobi loves to shower Knach with as many kisses as he can when they aren’t chasing down the criminals together.
Recently, when Kenobi and Knach were called to sit for a professional photoshoot together, the Conservation Officer learned that when Kenobi wants to give him loves, the best thing to do is just let him.
The end result of Knach’s lesson from his faithful K-9 friend are both adorable and hysterical.
It’s easy to see that Officer Knach was trying to pull off a professional expression of guarded stoicism. Unfortunately for him, his partner wanted to get a different set of photos.
As Knach tries his best to keep from smiling, Kenobi sweetly snuggles up beneath his chin. All that this K-9 wants to do is give some loves to his human, cameras be damned!
When that doesn’t break Knach out of his stiff, military-like pose for the camera, the K-9 decides he’s going to have to kick it up a notch.
Trying to earn some affection back from Knach, Kenobi starts showering him with big, sweet dog kisses.
Though the photo-op gone wrong might make a person question whether or not Kenobi is serious about his police K-9 duties, Knach assures us that he’s one of the best around.
“Make no mistake — he is a trained working officer and can track people and locate a variety of objects ranging from venison to ginseng,” he explains.
While Kenobi takes his job of protecting the endangered plants and wildlife in Indiana seriously, he knows when to take it easy, too. In order to become a police K-9, Kenobi had to undergo the same, rigorous, ongoing training as the other dogs in the unit. That being said, Kenobi seems to also understand the difference between working hours and being “off the clock”.
When the lovable K-9 knows he isn’t working, he wastes no time in getting down to the business of being a big ol’ furbaby.
Sometimes, that apparently applies to desk duties.
Even though Kenobi knows when he is off the clock, learning to determine when his partner, Knach, is off the clock doesn’t seem to come as easy.
“[Officer Knach] and Kenobi constantly train for the unfortunate situations of locating missing persons, locating evidence from criminal activity, and detecting illegally taken wildlife. He is a true example of a leader and servant,” explained DNR Corporal Rodney Clear.
Knowing what a brave, hard-working pair they are, we don’t blame Kenobi one bit for forcing his partner to stop and take a break to laugh throughout his workday.
Kenobi and Knach make one heck of an amazing team together. We think the Indiana Department of Natural Resources is lucky to have the pair on board! From the way their photos have taken the internet by storm, it looks the rest of the world agrees with us.
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