Amazon delivery guy perform happy dance when he discovers snacks left by the homeowner

Working as a delivery person for any company, big or small, whether for Amazon, UPS, FedEx, or the local pizza or Chinese restaurant, is hard work.

It’s especially tough when holidays, like Christmas, are fast-approaching. There are even more deliveries that need to be made and they need to be delivered on time, too.

Kelly Clarkson said these delivery people are the real-life Santas.

Facebook/Kathy Ouma Source: Facebook/Kathy Ouma

Kathy Ouma knows this and wants to give back to them for doing such a great job.

Kathy lives in Middletown, Delaware and every year, she leaves out a goodie box on her porch for the delivery people.

“UPS, USPS, AMAZON, FEDEX. Please take some goodies to enjoy on your route,” Kathy wrote on a sign by the goodie box. “Thank you for making the holiday shopping easy. The Ouma Family.”

Facebook/Kathy Ouma Source: Facebook/Kathy Ouma

The goodie box contains different types of cookies, power bars, water, and soda. It’s not much but it’s something.

“We were raised in our family put others first and always think of other people before ourselves,” Kathy told Kelly Clarkson. “So it was just natural to put out treats for them. They work so hard… in all [types of] weather. And they don’t talk to people during the day. So it’s the least we could do.”

And on that particular day, Dec. 2, 2019, Kathy was home resting after she was in a car accident that day.

Facebook/Kathy Ouma Source: Facebook/Kathy Ouma

She was inside her home with her husband when they heard cheering from outside.

“I told my husband, ‘Whoever that is just made my day. I’m all better now,'” Kathy shared with Kelly. “I reviewed the camera to see what was going on and that’s when I saw [Karim, the driver]. I made his day but he made my day and he has just brought joy to millions.”

When she reviewed the footage, Kathy saw the Amazon driver, Karim, exclaim “This is nice!” when he saw the goodies she left out for them. He took a few packs and water and danced his way back to his truck.

Facebook/Kathy Ouma Source: Facebook/Kathy Ouma

Karim appreciated the gesture because he had forgotten his lunch that day and he didn’t have any food to eat.

Because they’re on such a tight schedule, the delivery people don’t have enough extra time to stop and get food or snacks.

“Ms. Kathy Ouma, I’m glad I could make you smile that day with this one,” Karim shared on his Facebook. “The thing about it is I forgot to bring my lunch that day and I wasn’t feeling good until I got to your house and [saw] the snacks. May the Divine always bless you for your kindness.”

Facebook/Kathy Ouma Source: Facebook/Kathy Ouma

And this small act of kindness from Kathy has inspired other people to follow.

Nabisco has sent her a package of their products so she could help keep the spirit going.

Facebook/Kathy Ouma Source: Facebook/Kathy Ouma

Even the Governor of Delaware, John Carney, paid her a visit to thank her for her kindness.

He left her a small Christmas tree as a thank you for spreading kindness across Delaware.

Facebook/Kathy Ouma Source: Facebook/Kathy Ouma

Hopefully, this small act of kindness has inspired more people across the US and the world to do the same for their own local delivery people.

Facebook/Kathy Ouma Source: Facebook/Kathy Ouma

Want to see the pure joy and dance that left Kathy, Kelly, and the rest of the US joyful, too? Watch the video below.

Please SHARE this with your friends and family.

Source: Kathy Ouma
