Baby born 4 months early with feet the size of pennies proves all her doctors wrong
Liverpool mom Victoria Bradley went into labor at 24 weeks and two days and doctors didn’t give the baby very good odds for survival.
Doctors said that even if the child survived, it was likely that she might never walk or talk properly.
But mom wasn’t about to give up on this precious life and gave birth to baby girl Francesca Bradley-Curran.
Thankfully, the child was born two days after the time limit for abortions and for doctors to determine whether or not a premature birth is viable to save due to the lower survival rates for babies born before 24 weeks of pregnancy.
According to Daily Mail, this means that hospitals aren’t obligated to intervene or revive a child if the baby’s survival isn’t deemed as viable when born before 24 weeks of gestation.
With modern technology, the chances of survival of premature babies are growing. About 19 percent of babies born at 23 weeks survive. This has fueled a debate over whether the time limit to determine viability in the UK should be lowered.
Doctors later told Francesa that if she had been born two days earlier, it would have been likely that they would not have tried to save her daughter’s life.
Thankfully that wasn’t the case because Francesca is now 5-years-old and thriving.
Francesca was born weighing just 1 lb. and 6 oz.
Her feet weren’t much bigger than a penny and her skin was translucent.
She had no eyelashes or eyebrows and had the appearance of a fetus.
“After Francesca was born nurses actually gave me a memory box, which they do for babies that die at birth,” Victoria told News 24. “They took prints of her hands and feet for me. I took a picture of her footprint next to a penny to show how small she was. I got to see her three-and-a-half hours after she was born.”
Miraculously, Francesa has since defied all odds and is currently enrolled in her first year of primary school.
But getting to that point wasn’t immediately easy for the family.
The sweet child underwent 15 blood transfusions, had laser eye surgery, battled meningitis, septicemia, sepsis, two cases of collapsed lungs, and kidney problems all in the first few weeks of her life.
“It was torture not knowing if she was going to survive,” Victoria said.
But eventually, Francesa started getting better.
She was taken off of her incubator at eight weeks and astonished doctors that she was still alive.
At 17 weeks, baby Francesa was finally able to go home.
“It’s just great to finally have her home. I didn’t think she would be here. It’s scary to think if she had been just two days earlier they wouldn’t have worked to save her.”
Now, Francesa is a healthy girl who is free from the wires and medication she started her life on and has perfect vision.
“From the minute she opens her eyes she’s a constant ball of energy,” Victoria said. “It’s crazy to think that the doctors told us even if she did survive she would never walk or talk, but now we can’t get her to sit still or be quiet.”
For Victoria, her daughter is “a walking, talking miracle” that is full of life.
Learn more about this miracle child in the video below.
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Source: The Sun, Inside Edition, News 24