Dad is scared of needles -but puts it aside to comfort baby son as he gets his first shots

Be sure to reach the end of this article to see the full video!
Antwon Lee will do anything for his son, even if it means confronting his worst fear: needles.
The best fathers are the ones who go above and beyond to make their children happy and contented.

Antwon Lee is one of those fathers. He has one child, a son named Debias King Lee, and he would do anything for that baby.
Fatherhood has been a challenge for Antwon, just like it is for every parent. But the dad is always there for the boy. The perfect example came when it was time for the baby to get his first-ever shots.

Antwon drove Debias King Lee to the hospital with a sense of dread. He hated needles more than anything. And the fact that his child, his incredibly young child, was getting injected made things even worse. Still, the father was determined to keep the boy happy.
As the doctor prepared the shot, Antwon looked down at his son. He was saying many different comforting things to him, like “You gonna stay strong,” and “I know you gonna cry, but it’s ok to cry.”

Then the doctor asked Antwon to put Debias on the table. Antwon said “Uh oh, here we go,” and carefully placed the baby down, kissing him on the cheek just beforehand.
The baby started panicking and crying. The dad kept on comforting Debias, telling him it was going to be all right.

Then the doctor got the needle out, and the dad started to panic. He tried to focus on his baby’s eyes.
The needle went in, and Antwon couldn’t help but look. “Oh Lord!” he said. The baby started to squeal, and then so did the father.

Antwon then leaned down to kiss his son on the forehead again, telling the baby that he felt his pain.
The doctor then brought another needle up and administered a second shot. The baby cried even louder, and the dad joined in with a loud howl.

After the father and son had settled down, the doctor said “One more, pumpkin.” Both the father and son just wanted to get out of there.
The doctor injected the last needle. Antwon shouted “OH LORD!” louder than ever, easily drowning out his child’s tears.

The doctor placed some band-aids on Debias, and the dad picked him up.
Antwon kept on saying comforting words to Debias, and the baby quietened down.
The video cut out there. It soon appeared on Antwon’s Facebook page, where it went viral. To date, an amazing 17 million people have watched the video. It also has over 129,000 reactions, 208,000 shares and 42,000 comments. People have been saying things like this:

Is there any doubt that Debias will have an amazing life thanks to Antwon? If he’s this attentive when his child is zero years old, just imagine how supportive he’ll be when Debias gets scared of monsters under the bed, or struggles in school or breaks up with his first girlfriend? Antwon is sure to be there for the child.
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Source: Debias King Lee, Miami Herald