Family dog executes swift rescue of chickens from fox – earns 5.2M views

We love our dogs because they are cuddly, fun, and give us tons of affection. When people first began breeding dogs, however, they were used more as tools to help us with various tasks.

You wouldn’t adopt a dog based on how adorable they were, you’d adopt a dog because you needed their help with something.

The dog breeds that are common today all come from a specific geographical area that benefited from having a very specific type of canine.

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In the past, dogs were something akin to “specialty workers”

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Dogs were bred and adopted for specific reasons. All species of dogs had a role they could perform that would benefit their human friends.

Even though they were more valued for the work they provided, people did eventually grow to love them as pets. Nowadays, for most dogs, their only role is to receive our love and give it right back to us.

But, do you ever get mad at your dog for barking?

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Dogs who often bark loudly can be problematic for their owners. It can cause noise complaints, or wake everyone in the home up. It never used to be a bad thing for a dog to bark, however.

In fact, it was one of the most important things that any dog could do.

A major role that many dogs played was as the protector of the house and everyone who lives inside it.

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Back before alarms and home security systems, there were guard dogs.

This seems to be the most natural role for a dog to play. When there is something potentially threatening in an area, a dog’s natural inclination is to bark loudly. They are nature’s home security systems.

This is what led to the breeding of shepherding species of canines. Any breed of canine with the word “Shepherd” in it was used as a guard dog at some point.

Often they would guard other animals, especially on farms.

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These shepherd dogs were often adopted by farmers to protect livestock such as cows or chickens.

If anything threatening were to take place on the property, they would bark as loudly as they can. Often this is all that would be required to scare the threatening animal away.

Some dogs still play this role.

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Today, most of our dogs spend their time sitting next to us on the couch or chewing on the ends of furniture. For some pups, however, they are still put to work as protectors or guard dogs.

In the video below, a good dog can be seen protecting chickens from an invading fox, who was looking for a quick meal.

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Foxes are a clever species. They can sneak into places you’d never expect, and escape with a belly full of food. Much like many humans, foxes like to eat chicken, too.

In this video, one sly fox thinks he’s stumbled upon a snack of chickens only to run into a loyal guard dog who was not going to let anything happen.

This chicken coop in Poland was about to be invaded by a fox when a loyal and protecting dog foiled its plans.

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The property had security cameras all around it that captured the events in their entirety. The fox looks very confident as it sneaks its way onto the property. They likely didn’t expect to soon be sent running for their life.

When the dog notices the fox has entered the property, the chase is on!

With no hesitation at all, the dog leaped into action and chased right after the fox. With the prospect of an easy meal now gone, the fox bolted away from the dog and off the property.

Had it not been for this dog’s heroic efforts, the chickens would have been dinner for the fox.

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Dogs might not be the specialty workers they once were, but this video is proof that they can still perform in the role when needed. They are very resilient and useful animals but they also make wonderful furry companions.

You can watch this heroic dog save a flock of chickens from a fox in the below video.

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Source: DKTR
